second-order linear ODE with constant coefficients
Let’s consider the ordinary second-order linear differential equation
d2ydx2+adydx+by= 0 | (1) |
which is
homogeneous (
and the coefficients a,b of which are constants. As
mentionned in the entry
“finding another particular solution of linear ODE”, a simple substitution
makes possible to eliminate from it the addend containing first
of the unknown function. Therefore we
concentrate upon the case a=0. We have two cases
depending on the sign of b=±k2.
1∘. b>0. We will solve the equation
d2ydx2+k2y= 0. | (2) |
Multiplicating both addends by the expression 2dydx it becomes
2dydxd2ydx2+2k2ydydx= 0, |
where the left hand side is the derivative of
(dydx)2+k2y2. The latter one thus has a constant value
which must be nonnegative; denote it by k2C2. We then have the equation
(dydx)2=k2(C2-y2). | (3) |
After taking the square root and separating the variables it reads
dy±√C2-y2=kdx. |
Integrating (see the table of integrals) this yields
arcsinyC=k(x-x0) |
where x0 is another constant. Consequently, the general solution of the differential equation (2) may be written
y=Csink(x-x0) | (4) |
in which C and x0 are arbitrary real constants.
If one denotes Ccoskx0=C1 and -Csinkx0=C2, then (4) reads
y=C1sinkx+C2coskx. | (5) |
Here, C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants. Because both
sinkx and coskx satisfy the given equation (2) and are
linearly independent, its general solution can be written as (5).
2∘. b<0. An analogical treatment of the equation
d2ydx2-k2y= 0. | (6) |
yields for it the general solution
y=C1ekx+C2e-kx | (7) |
(note that one can eliminate the square root from the equation y±√y2+C=C′ekx and its “inverted equation” y∓√y2+C=-CC′e-kx). The linear independence of the obvious solutions e±kx implies also the linear independence of coshkx and sinhkx and thus allows us to give the general solution also in the alternative form
y=C1sinhkx+C2coshkx. | (8) |
Remark. The standard method for solving a homogeneous ( ordinary second-order linear differential equation (1) with constant coefficients is to use in it the substitution
y=erx | (9) |
where r is a constant; see the entry “second order linear
differential equation with constant coefficients”. This method
is possible to use also for such equations of higher order.
- 1 Ernst Lindelöf: Differentiali- ja integralilasku ja sen sovellutukset III.1. Mercatorin Kirjapaino Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki (1935).
Title | second-order linear ODE with constant coefficients |
Canonical name | SecondorderLinearODEWithConstantCoefficients |
Date of creation | 2014-03-01 17:02:54 |
Last modified on | 2014-03-01 17:02:54 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Derivation |
Classification | msc 34A05 |