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sigma, delta constant

If (σ,δ) is a skew derivation on a ring R, then a (σ,δ)-constant is an element q of R such that σ(q)=q and δ(q)=0.

Note: If q is a (σ,δ)-constant, then it follows that σ(qx)=qσ(x) and δ(qx)=qδ(x) for all x in R.

Title sigma, delta constant
Canonical name SigmaDeltaConstant
Date of creation 2013-03-22 11:49:38
Last modified on 2013-03-22 11:49:38
Owner antizeus (11)
Last modified by antizeus (11)
Numerical id 8
Author antizeus (11)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 16S36