A pure strategy provides a definition for a way a player can play a game. In particular, it defines, for every possible choice a player might have to make, which option the player picks. A player’s strategy space is the set of pure strategies available to that player.
A mixed strategy is an assignment of a probability to each pure strategy. It defines a probability over the strategies, and reflect that, rather than choosing a particular pure strategy, the player will randomly select a pure strategy based on the distribution given by their mixed strategy. Of course, every pure strategy is a mixed strategy (the function which takes that strategy to 1 and every other one to 0).
The following notation is often used:
Si for the strategy space of the i-th player
si for a particular element of Si; that is, a particular pure strategy
σi for a mixed strategy. Note that σi∈Si→[0,1] and ∑si∈Siσi(si)=1.
Σi for the set of all possible mixed strategies for the i-th player
S for ∏iSi, the set of all possible of pure strategies (essentially the possible outcomes of the game)
Σ for ∏iΣi
σ for a strategy profile, a single element of Σ
S-i for ∏j≠iSj and Σ-i for ∏j≠iΣj, the sets of possible pure and mixed strategies for all players other than i.
s-i for an element of S-i and σ-i for an element of Σ-i.
Title | strategy |
Canonical name | Strategy |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:52:02 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:52:02 |
Owner | Henry (455) |
Last modified by | Henry (455) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | Henry (455) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 91A99 |
Related topic | Game |
Defines | strategy |
Defines | pure strategy |
Defines | mixed strategy |
Defines | strategy space |