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trick to sum all the reciprocal triangular numbers

The following trick to sum all the reciprocals of the triangular numbersMathworldPlanetmath is funny:

σ = 1+13+16+110+115+121+128+136+145+155+166+178+
= 1+(13+16)+(110+115)+(121+128)+(136+145)+(155+166)+
= 1+12+1213+1216+12110+12115+
= 1+12(1+13+16+110+115+)

which implies σ=1+σ/2 and hence

Title trick to sum all the reciprocal triangular numbers
Canonical name TrickToSumAllTheReciprocalTriangularNumbers
Date of creation 2013-03-22 18:58:21
Last modified on 2013-03-22 18:58:21
Owner juanman (12619)
Last modified by juanman (12619)
Numerical id 6
Author juanman (12619)
Entry type Result
Classification msc 40-00
Classification msc 11A99
Related topic TriangularNumbers