vector space over an infinite field is not a finite union of proper subspaces

Theorem 1.

A vector spaceMathworldPlanetmath V over an infinite field F cannot be a finite union of proper subspacesPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath of itself.


Let V=V1V2Vn where each Vi is a proper subspace of V and n>1 is minimal. Because n is minimal, VnV1V2Vn-1.

Let uVn and let vVn(V1V2Vn-1).

Define S={v+tu:t𝔽}. Since uVn is not the zero vector and the field 𝔽 is infinite, S must be infinite.

Since SV=V1V2Vn one of the Vi must contain infinitely many vectors in S.

However, if Vn were to contain a vector, other than v, from S there would exist non-zero t𝔽 such that v+tuVn. But then tu=v+tu-vVn and we would have uVn contrary to the choice of u. Thus Vn cannot contain infinitely many elements in S.

If some Vi,1i<n contained two distinct vectors in S, then there would exist distinct t1,t2𝔽 such that v+t1u,v+t2uVi. But then (t2-t1)v=t2(v+t1u)-t1(v+t2u)Vi and we would have vVi contrary to the choice of v. Thus for 1i<n,Vi cannot contain infinitely many elements in S either. ∎

Title vector space over an infinite field is not a finite union of proper subspaces
Canonical name VectorSpaceOverAnInfiniteFieldIsNotAFiniteUnionOfProperSubspaces
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:29:43
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:29:43
Owner loner (106)
Last modified by loner (106)
Numerical id 9
Author loner (106)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 15A03