von Neumann algebras contain the range projections of its elements

- Let T be an operator in a von Neumann algebraMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath acting on an Hilbert spaceMathworldPlanetmath H. Then the orthogonal projection onto the range of T and the orthogonal projection onto the kernel of T both belong to .

Proof : Let T=VR be the polar decompositionMathworldPlanetmath of T with KerV=KerR.

By the result on the parent entry (http://planetmath.org/PolarDecompositionInVonNeumannAlgebras) we see that V.

As V is a partial isometry, VV* is the () projection onto the range of T, and I-V*V is the () projection onto the kernel of T, where I is the identity operator in .

Therefore the () projections onto the range and kernel of T both belong to .

Title von Neumann algebras contain the range projections of its elements
Canonical name VonNeumannAlgebrasContainTheRangeProjectionsOfItsElements
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:28:57
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:28:57
Owner asteroid (17536)
Last modified by asteroid (17536)
Numerical id 5
Author asteroid (17536)
Entry type Result
Classification msc 46L10
Classification msc 47A05