weakly compact cardinals and the tree property
A cardinal is weakly compact if and only if it is inaccessible and has the tree property.
Weak compactness implies tree property
Let κ be a weakly compact cardinal and let (T,<T) be a κ tree with all levels smaller than κ. We define a theory in Lκ,κ with for each x∈T, a constant cx, and a single unary relation B. Then our theory Δ consists of the sentences
¬[B(cx)∧B(cy)] for every incompatible x,y∈T
⋁x∈T(α)B(cx) for each α<κ
It should be clear that B represents membership in a cofinal branch, since the first class of sentences asserts that no incompatible elements are both in B while the second class states that the branch intersects every level.
Clearly |Δ|=κ, since there are κ elements in T, and hence fewer than κ⋅κ=κ sentences in the first group, and of course there are κ levels and therefore κ sentences in the second group.
Now consider any Σ⊆Δ with |Σ|<κ. Fewer than κ sentences of the second group are included, so the set of x for which the corresponding cx must all appear in T(α) for some α<κ. But since T has branches of arbitrary height, T(α)⊧.
Since is weakly compact, it follows that also has a model, and that model obviously has a set of such that whose corresponding elements of intersect every level and are compatible, therefore forming a cofinal branch of , proving that is not Aronszajn.
Title | weakly compact cardinals and the tree property |
Canonical name | WeaklyCompactCardinalsAndTheTreeProperty |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:52:51 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:52:51 |
Owner | Henry (455) |
Last modified by | Henry (455) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | Henry (455) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 03E10 |
Related topic | TreeProperty |
Related topic | Aronszajn |