chromatic polynomial
Let G be a graph (in the sense of graph theory) whose set V
of vertices is finite and nonempty, and which has no loops or
multiple edges.
For any natural number
x, let χ(G,x), or just χ(x),
denote the number of x-colorations of G, i.e. the number of
mappings f:V→{1,2,…,x} such that f(a)≠f(b) for any
pair (a,b) of adjacent vertices.
Let us prove that χ (which is called the
chromatic polynomial of the graph G)
is a polynomial function in x with coefficients in ℤ.
Write E for the set of edges in G. If |E|=0, then trivially
χ(x)=x|V| (where |⋅| denotes the number of elements
of a finite set
If not, then we choose an edge e and construct two graphs
having fewer edges than G: H is obtained from G by contracting
the edge e, and K is obtained from G by omitting the edge e.
We have
χ(G,x)=χ(K,x)-χ(H,x) | (1) |
for all x∈ℕ, because the polynomial χ(K,x) is the number
of colorations of the vertices of G which might or might not be
valid for the edge e, while χ(H,x) is the number which
are not valid.
By induction on |E|, (1) shows that χ(G,x) is
a polynomial over ℤ.
By refining the argument a little, one can show
χ(x)=x|V|-|E|x|V|-1+…±sxk, |
for some nonzero integer s, where k is the number
of connected components of G, and the coefficients alternate in sign.
With the help of the Möbius-Rota
inversion formula (see Moebius Inversion),
or directly by induction, one can prove
χ(x)=∑F⊂E(-1)|F|x|V|-r(F) |
where the sum is over all subsets F of E, and r(F) denotes the rank of F in G, i.e. the number of elements of any maximal cycle-free subset of F. (Alternatively, the sum may be taken only over subsets F such that F is equal to the span of F; all other summands cancel out in pairs.)
The chromatic number of G is the smallest x>0 such that
χ(G,x)>0 or, equivalently, such that χ(G,x)≠0.
The Tutte polynomial of a graph, or more generally of a matroid
(E,r), is this function of two variables:
t(x,y)=∑F⊂E(x-1)r(E)-r(F)(y-1)|F|-r(F). |
Compared to the chromatic polynomial, the Tutte contains more information about the matroid. Still, two or more nonisomorphic matroids may have the same Tutte polynomial.
Title | chromatic polynomial |
Canonical name | ChromaticPolynomial |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:58:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:58:25 |
Owner | bbukh (348) |
Last modified by | bbukh (348) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | bbukh (348) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 05C15 |
Classification | msc 05B35 |
Related topic | Matroid |
Related topic | ChromaticNumber |
Defines | Tutte polynomial |