elementary matrix operations as rank preserving operations

Let M be a matrix over a division ring D. An elementary operation on M is any one of the eight operations below:

  1. 1.

    exchanging two rows

  2. 2.

    exchanging two columns

  3. 3.

    adding one row to another

  4. 4.

    adding one column to another

  5. 5.

    right multiplying a non-zero scalar to a row

  6. 6.

    left multiplying a non-zero scalar to a row

  7. 7.

    right multiplying a non-zero scalar to a column

  8. 8.

    left multiplying a non-zero scalar to a column

We want to determine the effects of these operations on the various ranks of M. To facilitate this discussion, let M=(aij) be an n×m matrix and M=(bij) be the matrix after an application of one of the operations above to M. In addition, let vi=(ai1,,vim) be the i-th row of M, and wi=(bi1,,bim) be the i-th row of M. In other words,


Finally, let d be the left row rank of M.

Proposition 1.

Row and column exchanges preserve all ranks of M.


Clearly, exchanging two rows of M do not change the subspacePlanetmathPlanetmath generated by the rows of M, and therefore d is preserved.

As exchanging rows do not affect d, let us assume that rows have been exchanged so that the first d rows of M are left linearly independentMathworldPlanetmath.

Now, let M be obtained from M by exchanging columns i and j. So w1,,wn are vectors obtained respectively from v1,,vn by exchanging the i-th and j-th coordinatesPlanetmathPlanetmath. Suppose r1w1++rdwd=0. Then we get an equation r1b1k++rdbdk=0 for 1km. Rearranging these equations, we see that r1v1++rdvd=0, which implies r1==rd=0, showing that w1,,wd are left linearly independent. This means that d is preserved by column exchanges.

Preservation of other ranks of M are similarly proved. ∎

Proposition 2.

Additions of rows and columns preserve all ranks of M.


Let M be the matrix obtained from M by replacing row i by vector vi+vj, and let V be the left vector spaceMathworldPlanetmath spanned by the rows of M. Since vi+vjV, we have VV. On other hand, vi=(vi+vj)-vjV, so VV, and hence V=V.

Next, let w1,,wn be vectors obtained respectively from v1,,vn such that the i-th coordinate of wk is the sum of the i-th coordinate of vk and the j-th coordinate of vk, with all other coordinates remain the same. Again, by renumbering if necessary, let v1,,vd be left linearly independent. Suppose r1w1++riwi++rdwd=0. A similar argument like in the previous proposition shows that r1v1++(ri+rj)vj+rdvd=0, which implies r1==ri+rj=rd=0. Since ri=0, rj=0 too. This shows that w1,,wd are left linearly independent, which means that d is preserved by additions of columns.

Preservation of other ranks of M are proved similarly. ∎

Proposition 3.

Left (right) non-zero row scalar multiplication preserves left (right) row rank of M; left (right) non-zero column scalar multiplications preserves left (right) column rank of M.


Let w1,,wn be vectors obtained respectively from v1,,vn such that the i-th vector wi=rvi, where 0rD, and all other wj’s are the same as the vj’s. Assume that the first d rows of M are left linearly independent, and that id. Suppose r1w1++rdwd=0. Then r1v1++ri(rvi)+rdvd=0, which implies r1==rir==rd=0. Since r0, ri=0, and therefore w1,,wd are left linearly independent.

The others are proved similarly. ∎

Proposition 4.

Left (right) non-zero row scalar multiplication preserves right (left) column rank of M; left (right) non-zero column scalar multiplication preserves right (left) row rank of M.


Let us prove that right multiplying a column by a non-zero scalar r preserves the left row rank d of M. The others follow similarly.

Let w1,,wn be vectors obtained respectively from v1,,vn such that the i-th coordinate bik of wk is aikr, where aik is the i-th coordinate of vk. Suppose once again that the first d rows of M are left linearly independent, and suppose r1w1++rdwd=0. Then for each coordinate j we get an equation r1b1j++rdbdj=0. In particular, for the i-th coordinate, we have r1a1jr++rdadjr=0. Since r0, right multiplying the equation by r-1 gives us r1a1j++rdadj=0. Re-collecting all the equations, we get r1v1++rdwd=0, which implies that r1==rd=0, or that w1,,wd are left linearly independent. ∎

Title elementary matrix operations as rank preserving operations
Canonical name ElementaryMatrixOperationsAsRankPreservingOperations
Date of creation 2013-03-22 19:22:57
Last modified on 2013-03-22 19:22:57
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 18
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 15-01
Classification msc 15A33
Classification msc 15A03