generalized binomial coefficients
(nr)=n!(n-r)!r!, | (1) |
where n is a non-negative integer and r∈{0, 1, 2,…,n}, can be generalized for all integer and non-integer values of n by using the reduced ( form
(nr)=n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)r!; | (2) |
here r may be any non-negative integer. Then Newton’s binomial series ( gets the form
(1+z)α=∞∑r=0(αr)zr=1+(α1)z+(α2)z2+⋯ | (3) |
It is not hard to show that the radius of convergence of this series is 1. This series expansion is valid for every complex number
α when |z|<1, and it presents such a branch ( of the power ( (1+z)α which gets the value 1 in the point z=0.
In the case that α is a non-negative integer and r is great enough, one factor in the numerator of
(αr)=α(α-1)(α-2)…(α-r+1)r! | (4) |
vanishes, and hence the corresponding binomial coefficient (αr) equals to zero; accordingly also all following binomial coefficients with a greater r are equal to zero. It means that the series is left to being a finite sum, which gives the binomial theorem.
For all complex values of α, β and non-negative integer values of r, s, the Pascal’s formula
(αr)+(αr+1)=(α+1r+1) | (5) |
and Vandermonde’s convolution
s∑r=0(αr)(βs-r)=(α+βs) | (6) |
hold (the latter is proved by expanding the power (1+z)α+β to series). Cf. Pascal’s rule and Vandermonde identity.
Title | generalized binomial coefficients |
Canonical name | GeneralizedBinomialCoefficients |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:41:53 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:41:53 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 26 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 11B65 |
Classification | msc 05A10 |
Related topic | BinomialFormula |
Related topic | GeneralPower |
Related topic | BinomialFormulaForNegativeIntegerPowers |
Defines | Pascal’s formula |
Defines | Vandermonde’s formula |