Green’s function
Some general preliminary considerations
Let (Ω,μ) be a bounded measure space and ℱ(Ω) be a linear function
space of bounded functions defined on Ω, i.e. ℱ(Ω)⊂ℒ∞(Ω).
We would like to note two types of functionals from the dual space
(ℱ(Ω))*, which
will be used here:
Each function g(x)∈ℒ1(Ω) defines a functional φ∈(ℱ(Ω))* in the following way:
φ(f)=∫Ωg(x)f(x)𝑑μ. Such functional we will call regular
functional and function g — its generator.
For each x∈Ω, we will consider a functional δx∈(ℱ(Ω))* defined as follows:
δx(f)=f(x). (1) Since generally, we can not speak about values at the point for functions from (L)∞, in the following, we assume some regularity for functions from considered spaces, so that (1) is correctly defined.
Necessary notations and motivation
Let (Ωx,μx),(Ωy,μy) be some bounded measure spaces; ℱ(Ωx),𝒢(Ωy) be some
linear function spaces. Let A:ℱ(Ωx)→𝒢(Ωy) be a linear operator which has a well-defined
inverse A-1:𝒢(Ωy)→ℱ(Ωx).
Definition of Green’s function
If ∀x∈Ωx the functional (A-1)*δx is regular with generator G(⋅,y)∈ℒ1(Ωy), then G is called Green’s function of operator A and solution of (2) admits the following integral representation:
f(x)=∫ΩyG(x,y)g(y)𝑑μy |
Title | Green’s function |
Canonical name | GreensFunction |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:43:36 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:43:36 |
Owner | PrimeFan (13766) |
Last modified by | PrimeFan (13766) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | PrimeFan (13766) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 35C15 |
Related topic | PoissonsEquation |