Hausdorff space not completely Hausdorff
On the set ℤ+ of strictly positive integers, let a and b be two different integers b≠0 and consider the set
S(a,b)={a+kb∈ℤ+:k∈ℤ} |
such set is the infinite arithmetic progression of positive integers with difference
b and containing a.
The collection
of all S(a,b) sets is a basis for a topology
on ℤ+. We will use a coarser
topology induced by the following basis:
𝔹={S(a,b):gcd(a,b)=1} |
The collection 𝔹 is basis for a topology on ℤ+
We first prove such collection is a basis. Suppose x∈S(a,b)∩S(c,d). By Euclid’s algorithm we have S(a,b)=S(x,b) and S(c,d)=S(x,d) and
x∈S(x,bd)⊂S(x,d)∩S(c,d) |
besides, since gcd(x,b)=1 and gcd(x,d)=1 then gcd(x,bd)=1 so x and bd are coprimes and S(x,bd)∈𝔹. This concludes the proof that 𝔹 is indeed a basis for a topology on ℤ+.
The topology on ℤ+ induced by 𝔹 is Hausdorff
Let m,n integers two different integers.
We need to show that there are open disjoint neighborhoods Um and Un such that m∈Um and n∈Un, but it suffices to show the existence of disjoint basic open sets containing m and n.
Taking d=|m-n|, we can find an integer t such that t>d and such that
gcd(m,t)=gcd(n,t)=1. A way to accomplish this is to take any multiple of mn greater than d and add 1.
The basic open sets S(m,t) and S(n,t) are disjoint, because they have common elements if and only if the diophantine equation m+tx=n+ty has solutions. But it cannot have since t(x-y)=n-m implies that t divides n-m but t>|n-m| makes it impossible.
We conclude that S(m,t)∩S(n,t)=∅ and this means that ℤ+ becomes a Hausdorff space with the given topology.
Some properties of ¯S(a,b)
We need to determine first some facts about ¯S(a,b). in order to take an example, consider S(3,5) first. Notice that if we had considered the former topology (where in S(a,b), a and b didn’t have to be coprime) the complement of S(3,5) would have been S(4,5)∪S(5,5)∪S(6,5)∪S(7,5) which is open, and so S(3,5) would have been closed. In general, in the finer topology, all basic sets were both open and closed. However, this is not true in our coarser topology (for instance S(5,5) is not open).
The key fact to prove ℤ+ is not a completely Hausdorff space is: given any S(a,b), then bℤ+={n∈ℤ+:b divides n} is a subset of ¯S(a,b).
Indeed, any basic open set containing bk is of the form S(bk,t) with t,bk coprimes. This means gcd(t,b)=1. Now S(bk,t) and S(a,b) have common terms if an only if bk+tx=a+by for some integers x,y. But that diophantine equation can be rewritten as
tx-by=a-bk |
and it always has solutions because 1=gcd(t,b) divides a-bk.
This also proves S(a,b)≠¯S(a,b), because b is not in S(a,b) but it is on the closure.
The topology on ℤ+ induced by 𝔹 is not completely Hausdorff
We will use the closed-neighborhood sense for completely Hausdorff, which will also imply the topology is not completely Hausdorff in the functional
Let m,n different positive integers. Since 𝔹 is a basis, for any two disjoint neighborhoods Um,Un we can find basic sets S(m,a) and S(n,b) such that
m∈S(m,a)⊆Um,n∈S(n,b)⊆Un |
and thus
S(m,a)∩S(n,b)=∅. |
But then g=ab is both a multiple of a and b so it must be in ¯S(m,a) and ¯S(n,b). This means
¯S(m,a)∩¯S(n,b)≠∅ |
and thus ¯Um∩¯Un≠∅.
This proves the topology under consideration is not completely Hausdorff (under both usual meanings).
Title | Hausdorff space not completely Hausdorff |
Canonical name | HausdorffSpaceNotCompletelyHausdorff |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:16:05 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:16:05 |
Owner | drini (3) |
Last modified by | drini (3) |
Numerical id | 21 |
Author | drini (3) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 54D10 |
Synonym | T2 space not T212 |
Synonym | example of a Hausdorff space that is not completely Hausdorff |
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