projective space
Projective space and homogeneous coordinates.
Let 𝕂 be a field. Projective space of dimension n over
𝕂, typically denoted by 𝕂Pn, is the set of lines passing
through the origin in 𝕂n+1. More formally, consider the
equivalence relation
∼ on the set of non-zero points 𝕂n+1\{0}
defined by
𝐱∼λ𝐱,𝐱∈𝕂n+1\{0},λ∈𝕂\{0}. |
Projective space is defined to be the set of the
corresponding equivalence classes.
Every 𝐱=(x0,…,xn)∈𝕂n+1\{0} determines an element of
projective space, namely the line passing through 𝐱. Formally,
this line is the equivalence class [𝐱], or [x0:x1:…:xn],
as it is commonly denoted. The numbers x0,…,xn are referred
to as homogeneous coordinates of the line. Homogeneous coordinates
differ from ordinary coordinate systems in that a given element of
projective space is labeled by multiple homogeneous
Affine coordinates.
Projective space also admits a more
conventional type of coordinate system, called affine coordinates.
Let A0⊂𝕂Pn be the subset of all elements
p=[x0:x1:…:xn]∈𝕂Pn such that x0≠0. We then
define the functions
Xi:A0→𝕂n,i=1,…,n, |
according to
Xi(p)=xix0, |
where (x0,x1,…,xn) is any element of the equivalence class representing p. This definition makes sense because other elements of the same equivalence class have the form
(y0,y1,…,yn)=(λx0,λx1,…,λxn) |
for some non-zero λ∈𝕂, and hence
yiy0=xix0. |
The functions X1,…,Xn are called affine coordinates relative
to the hyperplane
H0={x0=1}⊂𝕂n+1. |
affine coordinates can be described by saying that the elements of
A0 are lines in 𝕂n+1 that are not parallel to H0, and
that every such line intersects H0 in one and exactly one point.
Conversely points of H0 are represented by tuples
(1,x1,…,xn) with (x1,…,xn)∈𝕂n, and each such
point uniquely labels a line [1:x1:…:xn] in A0.
It must be noted that a single system of affine coordinates does not cover all of projective space. However, it is possible to define a system of affine coordinates relative to every hyperplane in 𝕂n+1 that does not contain the origin. In particular, we get n+1 different systems of affine coordinates corresponding to the hyperplanes {xi=1},i=0,1,…,n. Every element of projective space is covered by at least one of these n+1 systems of coordinates.
Projective automorphisms.
A projective automorphism, also known as a projectivity, is a
of projective space that preserves all
incidence relations. For n≥2, every automorphism
of 𝕂Pn is
engendered by a semilinear invertible
transformation of 𝕂n+1.
Let A:𝕂n+1→𝕂n+1 be an invertible semilinear
transformation. The corresponding projectivity
[A]:𝕂Pn→𝕂Pn is the transformation
[𝐱]↦[A𝐱],𝐱∈𝕂n+1. |
For every non-zero λ∈𝕂 the transformation λA gives the same projective automorphism as A. For this reason, it is convenient we identify the group of projective automorphisms with the quotient
PΓLn+1(𝕂)=ΓLn+1(𝕂)/𝕂. |
Here ΓL refers to the group of
invertible semi-linear transformations, while the quotienting 𝕂
refers to the subgroup of scalar multiplications.
A collineation is a special kind of projective automorphism, one that
is engendered by a strictly linear transformation. The group of
projective collineations is therefore denoted by PGLn+1(𝕂)
Note that for fields such as ℝ and ℂ, the group of
projective collineations is also described by the projectivizations
PSLn+1(ℝ),PSLn+1(ℂ), of the corresponding
unimodular group
Also note that if a field, such as ℝ, lacks non-trivial automorphisms, then all semi-linear transformations are linear. For such fields all projective automorphisms are collineations. Thus,
PΓLn+1(ℝ)=PSLn+1(ℝ)=SLn+1(ℝ)/{±In+1}. |
By contrast, since ℂ
possesses non-trivial automorphisms, complex conjugation for example,
the group of automorphisms of complex projective space is larger than
PSLn+1(ℂ), where the latter denotes the quotient of
SLn+1(ℂ) by the subgroup of scalings by the (n+1)st roots
of unity.
Title | projective space |
Canonical name | ProjectiveSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:03:53 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:03:53 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 14-00 |
Related topic | Projectivity |
Related topic | SemilinearTransformation |
Defines | homogeneous coordinates |
Defines | affine coordinates |
Defines | projective automorphism |