Let V be a real, or a complex vector space, with K denoting the
corresponding field of scalars. A seminorm is a function
p:V→ℝ+, |
from V to the set of non-negative real numbers, that satisfies the following two properties.
p(k𝐮) | =|k|p(𝐮),k∈K,𝐮∈V | Homogeneity | ||
p(𝐮+𝐯) | ≤p(𝐮)+p(𝐯),𝐮,𝐯∈V, | Sublinearity |
A seminorm differs from a norm in that it is permitted that p(𝐮)=0 for some non-zero 𝐮∈V.
It is possible to characterize the seminorms properties geometrically. For k>0, let
Bk={𝐮∈V:p(𝐮)≤k} |
the ball of radius k. The homogeneity property is equivalent to the
assertion that
Bk=kB1, |
in the sense that 𝐮∈B1 if and only if k𝐮∈Bk. Thus, we see that a seminorm is fully determined by its unit ball. Indeed, given B⊂V we may define a function pB:V→ℝ+ by
The geometric nature of the unit ball is described by the following.
Proposition 1
The function satisfies the homegeneity property if and only if for every , there exists a such that
Proposition 2
Suppose that is homogeneous. Then, it is sublinear if and
only if its unit ball, , is a convex subset of .
Proof. First, let us suppose that the seminorm is both sublinear
and homogeneous, and prove that is necessarily convex. Let
, and let be a real number between and .
We must show that the weighted average is in as
well. By assumption,
The right side is a weighted average of two numbers between and , and is therefore between and itself. Therefore
as desired.
Conversely, suppose that the seminorm function is homogeneous, and that the unit ball is convex. Let be given, and let us show that
The essential complication here is that we do not exclude the possibility that , but that . First, let us consider the case where
By homogeneity, for every we have
and hence
as well. By homogeneity, again,
Since the above is true for all positive , we infer that
as desired.
Next suppose that , but that . We will show that in this case, necessarily,
Owing to the homogeneity assumption, we may without loss of generality assume that
For every such that we have
The right-side expression is an element of because
and since this holds for arbitrarily close to we conclude that
The same argument also shows that
and hence
as desired.
Finally, suppose that neither nor is zero. Hence,
are both in , and hence
is in also. Using homogeneity, we conclude that
as desired.
Title | seminorm |
Canonical name | Seminorm |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:24:57 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:24:57 |
Owner | rmilson (146) |
Last modified by | rmilson (146) |
Numerical id | 20 |
Author | rmilson (146) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 46B20 |
Synonym | semi-norm |
Defines | homogeneous |