Weierstrass substitution formulas
The Weierstrass substitution formulas for -π<x<π are:
They can be obtained in the following manner:
Make the Weierstrass substitution t=tan(x2). (This substitution is also known as the universal trigonometric substitution.) Then we have
Note that these are just the “formulas involving radicals (http://planetmath.org/Radical6)” as designated in the entry goniometric formulas
; however, due to the restriction on x, the ±’s are unnecessary.
Using the above formulas along with the double angle formulas, we obtain
Finally, since t=tan(x2), solving for x yields that x=2arctant. Thus, dx=21+t2dt.
The Weierstrass substitution formulas are most useful for integrating rational functions of sine and cosine (http://planetmath.org/IntegrationOfRationalFunctionOfSineAndCosine).
Title | Weierstrass substitution formulas |
Canonical name | WeierstrassSubstitutionFormulas |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 17:05:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 17:05:25 |
Owner | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Last modified by | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 26A36 |
Classification | msc 33B10 |
Synonym | Weierstraß substitution formulas |
Related topic | GoniometricFormulae |
Related topic | IntegrationOfRationalFunctionOfSineAndCosine |
Related topic | PolynomialAnalogonForFermatsLastTheorem |
Defines | Weierstrass substitution |
Defines | Weierstaß substitution |
Defines | universal trigonometric substitution |