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power set

Definition If X is a set, then the power setMathworldPlanetmath of X, denoted by 𝒫(X), is the set whose elements are the subsets of X.


  1. 1.

    If X is finite, then |𝒫(X)|=2|X|.

  2. 2.

    The above property also holds when X is not finite. For a set X, let |X| be the cardinality of X. Then |𝒫(X)|=2|X|=|2X|, where 2X is the set of all functions from X to {0,1}.

  3. 3.

    For an arbitrary set X, Cantor’s theoremMathworldPlanetmath states: a) there is no bijection between X and 𝒫(X), and b) the cardinality of 𝒫(X) is greater than the cardinality of X.


Suppose S={a,b}. Then 𝒫(S)={βˆ…,{a},{b},S}. In particular, |𝒫(S)|=2|S|=4.

Related definition

If X is a set, then the finite power set of X, denoted by β„±(X), is the set whose elements are the finite subsets of X.


Due to the canonical correspondence between elements of 𝒫(X) and elements of 2X, the power set is sometimes also denoted by 2X.

Title power set
Canonical name PowerSet
Date of creation 2013-03-22 11:43:46
Last modified on 2013-03-22 11:43:46
Owner matte (1858)
Last modified by matte (1858)
Numerical id 23
Author matte (1858)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 03E99
Classification msc 03E10
Classification msc 37-01
Synonym powerset
Related topic PowerObject
Related topic ProofOfGeneralAssociativity
Defines finite power set
Defines finite powerset