10.1.2 Images
Next, we show that 𝒮et is a regular category, i.e.:
𝒮et is finitely complete.
The kernel pair 𝗉𝗋1,𝗉𝗋2:(∑(x,y:A)f(x)=f(y))→A of any function f:A→B has a coequalizer
of regular epimorphisms are again regular epimorphisms.
Recall that a regular epimorphism
is a morphism that is the coequalizer of some pair of maps.
Thus in 3 the pullback of a coequalizer is required to again be a coequalizer, but not necessarily of the pulled-back pair.
The obvious candidate for the coequalizer of the kernel pair of f:A→B is the image of f, as defined in \autorefsec:image-factorization. Recall that we defined 𝗂𝗆(f):≡∑(b:B)∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)∥, with functions ˜f:A→𝗂𝗆(f) and if:𝗂𝗆(f)→B defined by
˜f | :≡λa.(f(a),|(a,𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅f(a))|) | ||
if | :≡𝗉𝗋1 |
fitting into a diagram:
\xymatrix**[l]∑x,y:Af(x)=f(y)\ar@<0.25em>[r]𝗉𝗋1\ar@<-0.25em>[r]𝗉𝗋2&A\ar[r](0.4)˜f\ar[rd]f&𝗂𝗆(f)\ar@..>[d]if&&B |
Recall that a function f:A→B is called surjective if
or equivalently ∀(b:B).∃(a:A).f(a)=b.
We have also said that a function f:A→B between sets is called injective
∀(a,a′:A).(f(a)=f(a′))⇒(a=a′), or equivalently if each of its fibers is a mere proposition.
Since these are the (-1)-connected
and (-1)-truncated maps in the sense of \autorefcha:hlevels, the general theory there implies that ˜f above is surjective and if is injective, and that this factorization is stable under pullback.
We now identify surjectivity and injectivity with the appropriate category-theoretic notions.
First we observe that categorical monomorphisms and epimorphisms
have a slightly stronger equivalent
Lemma 10.1.1.
For a morphism f:homA(a,b) in a category A, the following are equivalent.
f is a monomorphism: for all x:A and g,h:homA(x,a), if f∘g=f∘h then g=h.
(If A has pullbacks) the diagonal map a→a×ba is an isomorphism
For all x:A and k:homA(x,b), the type ∑(h:homA(x,a))(k=f∘h) is a mere proposition.
For all x:A and g:homA(x,a), the type ∑(h:homA(x,a))(f∘g=f∘h) is contractible
The equivalence of conditions 1 and 2 is standard category theory.
Now consider the function (f∘–):homA(x,a)→homA(x,b) between sets.
Condition 1 says that it is injective, while 3 says that its fibers are mere propositions; hence they are equivalent.
And 3 implies 4 by taking k:≡f∘g and recalling that an inhabited mere proposition is contractible.
Finally, 4 implies 1 since if p:f∘g=f∘h, then (g,𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅) and (h,p) both inhabit the type in 4, hence are equal and so g=h.
Lemma 10.1.2.
A function f:A→B between sets is injective if and only if it is a monomorphism in Set.
Left to the reader. ∎
Of course, an epimorphism is a monomorphism in the opposite category. We now show that in 𝒮et, the epimorphisms are precisely the surjections, and also precisely the coequalizers (regular epimorphisms).
The coequalizer of a pair of maps f,g:A→B in 𝒮et is defined as the 0-truncation of a general (homotopy) coequalizer.
For clarity, we may call this the set-coequalizer.
It is convenient to express its universal property
as follows.
Lemma 10.1.3.
Let f,g:A→B be functions between sets A and B. The set-coequalizer cf,g:B→Q has the property that, for any set C and any h:B→C with h∘f=h∘g, the type
∑k:Q→C(k∘cf,g=h) |
is contractible.
Lemma 10.1.4.
For any function f:A→B between sets, the following are equivalent:
f is an epimorphism.
Consider the pushout diagram
\xymatrixA\ar[r]f\ar[d]&B\ar[d]ι𝟏\ar[r]t&Cf in 𝒮et defining the mapping cone. Then the type Cf is contractible.
f is surjective.
Let f:A→B be a function between sets, and suppose it to be an epimorphism; we show Cf is contractible. The constructor 𝟏→Cf of Cf gives us an element t:Cf. We have to show that
∏x:Cfx=t. |
Note that x=t is a mere proposition, hence we can use induction on Cf.
Of course when x is t we have 𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅t:t=t, so it suffices to find
I0 | :∏b:Bι(b)=t | ||
I1 | :∏a:Aα1(a)-1\centerdotI0(f(a))=𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅t. |
where ι:B→Cf and α1:∏(a:A)ι(f(a))=t are the other constructors of Cf. Note that α1 is a homotopy from ι∘f to 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍t∘f, so we find the elements
(ι,𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅ι∘f),(𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍t,α1):∑h:B→Cfι∘f∼h∘f. |
By the dual of \autorefthm:mono4 (and function extensionality), there is a path
γ:(ι,𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅ι∘f)=(𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍t,α1). |
Hence, we may define I0(b):≡𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗅𝗒(𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋1(γ),b):ι(b)=t. We also have
𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋2(γ):𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋1(γ)*(𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅ι∘f)=α1. |
This transport involves precomposition with f, which commutes with 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗅𝗒. Thus, from transport in path types we obtain I0(f(a))=α1(a) for any a:A, which gives us I1.
Now suppose Cf is contractible; we show f is surjective. We first construct a type family P:Cf→𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗉 by recursion on Cf, which is valid since 𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗉 is a set. On the point constructors, we define
P(t) | :≡𝟏 | ||
P(ι(b)) | :≡∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)∥. |
To complete the construction of P, it remains to give a path
for all a:A.
However, ∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(f(a))∥ is inhabited by (f(a),𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅f(a)).
Since it is a mere proposition, this means it is contractible — and thus equivalent, hence equal, to 𝟏.
This completes the definition of P.
Now, since Cf is assumed to be contractible, it follows that P(x) is equivalent to P(t) for any x:Cf.
In particular, P(ι(b))≡∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)∥ is equivalent to P(t)≡𝟏 for each b:B, and hence contractible.
Thus, f is surjective.
Finally, suppose f:A→B to be surjective, and consider a set C and two functions g,h:B→C with the property that g∘f=h∘f. Since f is assumed to be surjective, for all b:B the type ∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)∥ is contractible. Thus we have the following equivalences:
∏b:B(g(b)=h(b)) | ≃∏b:B(∥𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)∥→(g(b)=h(b))) | ||
≃∏b:B(𝖿𝗂𝖻f(b)→(g(b)=h(b))) | |||
≃∏(b:B)∏(a:A)∏(p:f(a)=b)g(b)=h(b) | |||
≃∏a:Ag(f(a))=h(f(a)) |
using on the second line the fact that g(b)=h(b) is a mere proposition, since C is a set.
But by assumption, there is an element of the latter type.
Theorem 10.1.5.
The category Set is regular. Moreover, surjective functions between sets are regular epimorphisms.
It is a standard lemma in category theory that a category is regular as soon as it admits finite limits and a pullback-stable orthogonal factorization system (ℰ,ℳ) with ℳ the monomorphisms, in which case ℰ consists automatically of the regular epimorphisms. (See e.g. [elephant, A1.3.4].) The existence of the factorization system was proved in \autorefthm:orth-fact. ∎
Lemma 10.1.6.
Pullbacks of regular epis in Set are regular epis.
We showed in \autorefthm:stable-images that pullbacks of n-connected functions are n-connected. By \autoreflem:images_are_coequalizers, it suffices to apply this when n=-1. ∎
One of the consequences of 𝒮et being a regular category is that we have an “image” operation on subsets.
That is, given f:A→B, any subset P:𝒫(A) (i.e. a predicate
P:A→𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗉) has an image which is a subset of B.
This can be defined directly as \setofy:B|∃(x:A).f(x)=y∧P(x), or indirectly as the image (in the previous sense) of the composite function
\setofx:A|P(x)→A𝑓→B. |
We will also sometimes use the common notation \setoff(x)|P(x) for the image of P.
Title | 10.1.2 Images |
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