Let (P,≤) be a poset. A subset A⊆P is said to be cofinal in P if for every x∈P there is a y∈A such that x≤y.
A function f:X→P is said to be cofinal if f(X) is cofinal in P.
The least cardinality of a cofinal set of P is called the cofinality of P.
Equivalently, the cofinality of P is the least
α such that there is a cofinal function f:α→P.
The cofinality of P is written cf(P), or cof(P).
Cofinality of totally ordered sets
If (T,≤) is a totally ordered set, then it must contain a well-ordered cofinal subset which is order-isomorphic to cf(T).
Or, put another way, there is a cofinal function f:cf(T)→T with the property that f(x)<f(y) whenever x<y.
For any ordinal β we must have cf(β)≤β, because the identity map on β is cofinal. In particular, this is true for cardinals, so any cardinal κ either satisfies cf(κ)=κ, in which case it is said to be regular, or it satisfies cf(κ)<κ, in which case it is said to be singular.
The cofinality of any totally ordered set is necessarily a regular cardinal.
Cofinality of cardinals
0 and 1 are regular cardinals. All other finite cardinals have cofinality 1 and are therefore singular.
It is easy to see that cf(ℵ0)=ℵ0, so ℵ0 is regular.
ℵ1 is regular, because the union of countably many countable sets is countable.
More generally, all infinite
successor cardinals are regular.
The smallest infinite singular cardinal is ℵω.
In fact, the function f:ω→ℵω given by f(n)=ωn is cofinal, so cf(ℵω)=ℵ0.
More generally, for any nonzero limit ordinal δ, the function f:δ→ℵδ given by f(α)=ωα is cofinal, and this can be used to show that cf(ℵδ)=cf(δ).
Let κ be an infinite cardinal.
It can be shown that cf(κ) is
the least cardinal μ such that κ is
the sum of μ cardinals each of which is less than κ.
This fact together with König’s theorem tells us that
Replacing κ by 2κ in this inequality
we can further deduce that κ<cf(2κ).
In particular, cf(2ℵ0)>ℵ0, from which it follows that 2ℵ0≠ℵω (this being the smallest uncountable aleph which is provably not the cardinality of the continuum).
Title | cofinality |
Canonical name | Cofinality |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:23:55 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:23:55 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 25 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03E04 |
Defines | cofinal |
Defines | regular cardinal |
Defines | singular cardinal |
Defines | regular |
Defines | singular |