11.2.3 Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete
We obtained ℝ𝖽 as the type of Dedekind cuts on ℚ. But we could have instead started
with any archimedean
ordered field F and constructed Dedekind cuts on F. These would
again form an archimedean ordered field ˉF, the Dedekind completion of F,
with F contained as a subfield
. What happens if we apply this construction to
ℝ𝖽, do we get even more real numbers? The answer is negative. In fact, we shall prove a
stronger result: ℝ𝖽 is final.
Say that an ordered field F is admissible for Ω when the strict order < on F is a map <:F→F→Ω.
Theorem 11.2.1.
Every archimedean ordered field which is admissible for Ω is a subfield of Rd.
Let F be an archimedean ordered field. For every x:F define L,U:ℚ→Ω by
Lx(q):≡(q<x) and Ux(q):≡(x<q). |
(We have just used the assumption that F is admissible for Ω.)
Then (Lx,Ux) is a Dedekind cut. Indeed, the cuts are inhabited and rounded because
F is archimedean and < is transitive
, disjoint because < is irreflexive
, and
located because < is a weak linear order. Let e:F→ℝ𝖽 be the map e(x):≡(Lx,Ux).
We claim that e is a field embedding which preserves and reflects the order. First of
all, notice that e(q)=q for a rational number q. Next we have the equivalences,
for all x,y:F,
x<y⇔(∃(q:ℚ).x<q<y)⇔(∃(q:ℚ).Ux(q)∧Ly(q))⇔e(x)<e(y), |
so e indeed preserves and reflects the order. That e(x+y)=e(x)+e(y) holds because, for all q:ℚ,
q<x+y⇔∃(r,s:ℚ).r<x∧s<y∧q=r+s. |
The implication from right to left is obvious. For the other direction, if q<x+y then there merely exists r:ℚ such that q-y<r<x, and by taking s:≡q-r we get the desired r and s. We leave preservation of multiplication
by e as
an exercise.
To establish that the Dedekind cuts on ℝ𝖽 do not give us anything new, we need just one more lemma.
Lemma 11.2.2.
If F is admissible for Ω then so is its Dedekind completion.
Let ˉF be the Dedekind completion of F. The strict order on ˉF is defined by
((L,U)<(L′,U′)):≡∃(q:ℚ).U(q)∧L′(q). |
Since U(q) and L′(q) are elements of Ω, the lemma holds as long as Ω
is closed under conjunctions and countable
existentials, which we assumed from the outset.
Corollary 11.2.3.
The Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete: for every real-valued Dedekind cut (L,U) there is a unique x:Rd such that L(y)=(y<x) and U(y)=(x<y) for all y:Rd.
By \autoreflem:cuts-preserve-admissibility the Dedekind completion ˉℝ𝖽 of ℝ𝖽
is admissible for Ω, so by \autorefRD-final-field we have an embedding ˉℝ𝖽→ℝ𝖽, as well as an embedding ℝ𝖽→ˉℝ𝖽. But these embeddings must be
isomorphisms, because their compositions are order-preserving field homomorphisms which
fix the dense subfield ℚ, which means that they are the identity
. The corollary now
follows immediately from the fact that ˉℝ𝖽→ℝ𝖽 is an isomorphism.
Title | 11.2.3 Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete |
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