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11.2.3 Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete

We obtained 𝖽 as the type of Dedekind cutsMathworldPlanetmath on . But we could have instead started with any archimedeanPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath ordered field F and constructed Dedekind cuts on F. These would again form an archimedean ordered field ˉF, the Dedekind completion of F, with F contained as a subfieldMathworldPlanetmath. What happens if we apply this construction to 𝖽, do we get even more real numbers? The answer is negative. In fact, we shall prove a stronger result: 𝖽 is final.

Say that an ordered field F is admissible for Ω when the strict order < on F is a map <:FFΩ.

Theorem 11.2.1.

Every archimedean ordered field which is admissible for Ω is a subfield of Rd.


Let F be an archimedean ordered field. For every x:F define L,U:Ω by

Lx(q):(q<x)  and  Ux(q):(x<q).

(We have just used the assumptionPlanetmathPlanetmath that F is admissible for Ω.) Then (Lx,Ux) is a Dedekind cut. Indeed, the cuts are inhabited and rounded because F is archimedean and < is transitiveMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, disjoint because < is irreflexiveMathworldPlanetmath, and located because < is a weak linear order. Let e:F𝖽 be the map e(x):(Lx,Ux).

We claim that e is a field embeddingPlanetmathPlanetmath which preserves and reflects the order. First of all, notice that e(q)=q for a rational number q. Next we have the equivalences, for all x,y:F,


so e indeed preserves and reflects the order. That e(x+y)=e(x)+e(y) holds because, for all q:,


The implicationMathworldPlanetmath from right to left is obvious. For the other direction, if q<x+y then there merely exists r: such that q-y<r<x, and by taking s:q-r we get the desired r and s. We leave preservation of multiplicationPlanetmathPlanetmath by e as an exercise. ∎

To establish that the Dedekind cuts on 𝖽 do not give us anything new, we need just one more lemma.

Lemma 11.2.2.

If F is admissible for Ω then so is its Dedekind completion.


Let ˉF be the Dedekind completion of F. The strict order on ˉF is defined by


Since U(q) and L(q) are elements of Ω, the lemma holds as long as Ω is closed under conjunctionsMathworldPlanetmath and countableMathworldPlanetmath existentials, which we assumed from the outset. ∎

Corollary 11.2.3.

The Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete: for every real-valued Dedekind cut (L,U) there is a unique x:Rd such that L(y)=(y<x) and U(y)=(x<y) for all y:Rd.


By \autoreflem:cuts-preserve-admissibility the Dedekind completion ˉ𝖽 of 𝖽 is admissible for Ω, so by \autorefRD-final-field we have an embedding ˉ𝖽𝖽, as well as an embedding 𝖽ˉ𝖽. But these embeddings must be isomorphismsPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, because their compositions are order-preserving field homomorphisms which fix the dense subfield , which means that they are the identityPlanetmathPlanetmath. The corollary now follows immediately from the fact that ˉ𝖽𝖽 is an isomorphism. ∎

Title 11.2.3 Dedekind reals are Dedekind complete