cardinal arithmetic
Let κ and λ be cardinal numbers,
and let A and B be disjoint sets such that |A|=κ and |B|=λ.
(Here |X| denotes the cardinality of a set X,
that is, the unique cardinal number equinumerous with X.)
Then we define cardinal addition
, cardinal multiplication
and cardinal exponentiation as follows.
κ+λ | =|A∪B|. | ||
κλ | =|A×B|. | ||
κλ | =|AB|. |
(Here AB denotes the set of all functions from B to A.)
These three operations are well-defined, that is,
they do not depend on the choice of A and B.
Also note that for multiplication and exponentiation A
and B do not actually need to be disjoint.
We also define addition and multiplication for arbitrary numbers of cardinals.
Suppose I is an index set and κi is a cardinal for every i∈I.
Then ∑i∈Iκi is defined to be
the cardinality of the union ⋃i∈IAi,
where the Ai are pairwise disjoint and |Ai|=κi for each i∈I.
Similarly, ∏i∈Iκi is defined to be the cardinality of the
Cartesian product (
∏i∈IBi, where |Bi|=κi for each i∈I.
In the following, κ, λ, μ and ν are arbitrary cardinals, unless otherwise specified.
Cardinal arithmetic obeys many of the same algebraic laws as real arithmetic.
In particular, the following properties hold.
κ+λ | =λ+κ. | ||
(κ+λ)+μ | =κ+(λ+μ). | ||
κλ | =λκ. | ||
(κλ)μ | =κ(λμ). | ||
κ(λ+μ) | =κλ+κμ. | ||
κλκμ | =κλ+μ. | ||
(κλ)μ | =κλμ. | ||
κμλμ | =(κλ)μ. |
Some special cases involving 0 and 1 are as follows:
κ+0 | =κ. | ||
0κ | =0. | ||
κ0 | =1. | ||
0κ | =0, for κ>0. | ||
1κ | =κ. | ||
κ1 | =κ. | ||
1κ | =1. |
If at least one of κ and λ is infinite, then the following hold.
κ+λ | =max(κ,λ). | ||
κλ | =max(κ,λ), provided κ≠0≠λ. |
Also notable is that if κ and λ are cardinals with λ infinite and 2≤κ≤2λ, then
κλ | =2λ. |
Inequalities are also important in cardinal arithmetic.
The most famous is Cantor’s theorem
κ | <2κ. |
If μ≤κ and ν≤λ, then
μ+ν | ≤κ+λ. | ||
μν | ≤κλ. | ||
μν | ≤κλ, unless μ=ν=κ=0<λ. |
Similar inequalities hold for infinite sums and products.
Let I be an index set,
and suppose that κi and λi are cardinals for every i∈I.
If κi≤λi for every i∈I, then
∑i∈Iκi | ≤∑i∈Iλi. | ||
∏i∈Iκi | ≤∏i∈Iλi. |
If, moreover, κi<λi for all i∈I, then we have König’s theorem.
∑i∈Iκi | <∏i∈Iλi. |
If κi=κ for every i in the index set I, then
∑i∈Iκi | =κ|I|. | ||
∏i∈Iκi | =κ|I|. |
Thus it is possible to define exponentiation in terms of multiplication, and multiplication in terms of addition.
Title | cardinal arithmetic |
Canonical name | CardinalArithmetic |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:15:13 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:15:13 |
Owner | yark (2760) |
Last modified by | yark (2760) |
Numerical id | 38 |
Author | yark (2760) |
Entry type | Topic |
Classification | msc 03E10 |
Related topic | OrdinalArithmetic |
Related topic | CardinalNumber |
Related topic | CardinalExponentiationUnderGCH |
Related topic | CardinalityOfTheContinuum |
Defines | cardinal addition |
Defines | cardinal multiplication |
Defines | cardinal exponentiation |
Defines | sum of cardinals |
Defines | product of cardinals |
Defines | addition |
Defines | multiplication |
Defines | exponentiation |
Defines | sum |
Defines | product |