4.2 Half adjoint equivalences
In Β§4.1 (http://planetmath.org/41quasiinverses) we concluded that ππππ(f) is equivalent to β(x:A)(x=x) by discarding a contractible type.
Roughly, the type ππππ(f) contains three data g, Ξ·, and Ο΅, of which two (g and Ξ·) could together be seen to be contractible
when f is an equivalence.
The problem is that removing these data left one remaining (Ο΅).
In order to solve this problem, the idea is to add one additional datum which, together with Ο΅, forms a contractible type.
Definition 4.2.1.
A function f:AβB is a half adjoint equivalence
if there are g:BβA and homotopies Ξ·:gβfβΌidA and Ο΅:fβgβΌidB such that there exists a homotopy
Ο:βx:Af(Ξ·x)=Ο΅(fx). |
Thus we have a type ππππΊπΎ(f), defined to be
β(g:BβA)β(Ξ·:gβfβΌππ½A)β(Ο΅:fβgβΌππ½B)β(x:A)f(Ξ·x)=Ο΅(fx). |
Note that in the above definition, the coherence condition relating Ξ· and Ο΅ only involves f. We might consider instead an analogous coherence condition involving g:
Ο :βy:Bg(Ο΅y)=Ξ·(gy) |
and a resulting analogous definition ππππΊπΎβ²(f).
Fortunately, it turns out each of the conditions implies the other one:
Lemma 4.2.2.
For functions f:AβB and g:BβA and homotopies Ξ·:gβfβΌidA and Ο΅:fβgβΌidB, the following conditions are logically equivalent:
It suffices to show one direction; the other one is obtained by replacing A, f, and Ξ· by B, g, and Ο΅ respectively. Let Ο:β(x:A)f(Ξ·x)=Ο΅(fx). Fix y:B. Using naturality of Ο΅ and applying g, we get the following commuting diagram of paths:
Using Ο(gy) on the left side of the diagram gives us
Using the commutativity of Ξ· with gβf (Definition 2 (http://planetmath.org/24homotopiesandequivalences#Thmdefn2)), we have
However, by naturality of Ξ· we also have
Thus, canceling all but the right-hand homotopy, we have g(Ο΅y)=Ξ·(gy) as desired. β
However, it is important that we do not include both Ο and Ο in the definition of ππππΊπΎ(f) (whence the name βhalf adjoint equivalenceβ). If we did, then after canceling contractible types we would still have one remaining datum β unless we added another higher coherence condition. In general, we expect to get a well-behaved type if we cut off after an odd number of coherences.
Of course, it is obvious that ππππΊπΎ(f)βππππ(f): simply forget the coherence datum.
The other direction is a version of a standard argument from homotopy theory and category theory.
Theorem 4.2.3.
For any f:AβB we have qinv(f)βishae(f).
Suppose that (g,Ξ·,Ο΅) is a quasi-inverse for f. We have to provide a quadruple (gβ²,Ξ·β²,Ο΅β²,Ο) witnessing that f is a half adjoint equivalence. To define gβ² and Ξ·β², we can just make the obvious choice by setting gβ²:β‘g and Ξ·β²:β‘Ξ·. However, in the definition of Ο΅β² we need start worrying about the construction of Ο, so we cannot just follow our nose and take Ο΅β² to be Ο΅. Instead, we take
Ο΅β²(b):β‘Ο΅(f(g(b)))-1\centerdot(f(Ξ·(g(b)))\centerdotΟ΅(b)). |
Now we need to find
Ο(a):Ο΅(f(g(f(a))))-1\centerdot(f(Ξ·(g(f(a))))\centerdotΟ΅(f(a)))=f(Ξ·(a)). |
Note first that by Corollary 2.4.4 (http://planetmath.org/24homotopiesandequivalences#Thmprelem2), we have Ξ·(g(f(a)))=g(f(Ξ·(a))). Therefore, we can apply Lemma 2.4.3 (http://planetmath.org/24homotopiesandequivalences#Thmcor1) to compute
f(Ξ·(g(f(a))))\centerdotΟ΅(f(a)) | =f(g(f(Ξ·(a))))\centerdotΟ΅(f(a)) | ||
=Ο΅(f(g(f(a))))\centerdotf(Ξ·(a)) |
from which we get the desired path Ο(a). β
Combining this with Lemma 4.2.2 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem1) (or symmetrizing the proof), we also have ππππ(f)βππππΊπΎβ²(f).
It remains to show that ππππΊπΎ(f) is a mere proposition. For this, we will need to know that the fibers of an equivalence are contractible.
Definition 4.2.4.
The fiber of a map f:AβB over a point y:B is
πΏππ»f(y):β‘βx:A(f(x)=y). |
In homotopy theory, this is what would be called the homotopy fiber of f.
The path lemmas in Β§2.5 (http://planetmath.org/25thehighergroupoidstructureoftypeformers) yield the following characterization of paths in fibers:
Lemma 4.2.5.
For any f:AβB, y:B, and (x,p),(xβ²,pβ²):fibf(y), we have
((x,p)=(xβ²,pβ²))β(βΞ³:x=xβ²f(Ξ³)\centerdotpβ²=p) |
Theorem 4.2.6.
If f:AβB is a half adjoint equivalence, then for any y:B the fiber fibf(y) is contractible.
Let (g,Ξ·,Ο΅,Ο):ππππΊπΎ(f), and fix y:B. As our center of contraction for πΏππ»f(y) we choose (gy,Ο΅y). Now take any (x,p):πΏππ»f(y); we want to construct a path from (gy,Ο΅y) to (x,p). By Lemma 4.2.5 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem2), it suffices to give a path Ξ³:gy=x such that f(Ξ³)\centerdotp=Ο΅y. We put Ξ³:β‘g(p)-1\centerdotΞ·x. Then we have
f(Ξ³)\centerdotp | =fg(p)-1\centerdotf(Ξ·x)\centerdotp | ||
=fg(p)-1\centerdotΟ΅(fx)\centerdotp | |||
=Ο΅y |
where the second equality follows by Οx and the third equality is naturality of Ο΅. β
We now define the types which encapsulate contractible pairs of data. The following types put together the quasi-inverse g with one of the homotopies.
Definition 4.2.7.
Given a function f:AβB, we define the types
π πππ(f) | :β‘βg:BβA(gβfβΌππ½A) | ||
ππππ(f) | :β‘βg:BβA(fβgβΌππ½B) |
of left inverses
and right inverses
to f, respectively.
We call f left invertible
if linv(f) is inhabited, and similarly right invertible
if rinv(f) is inhabited.
Lemma 4.2.8.
If f:AβB has a quasi-inverse, then so do
(fββ) | :(CβA)β(CβB) | ||
(ββf) | :(BβC)β(AβC). |
If g is a quasi-inverse of f, then (gββ) and (ββg) are quasi-inverses of (fββ) and (ββf) respectively. β
Lemma 4.2.9.
If f:AβB has a quasi-inverse, then the types rinv(f) and linv(f) are contractible.
By function extensionality, we have
π πππ(f)ββg:BβA(gβf=ππ½A). |
But this is the fiber of (ββf) over ππ½A, and so by Lemma 4.2.8 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem3),Theorem 4.2.3 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprethm1),Theorem 4.2.6 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprethm2), it is contractible. Similarly, ππππ(f) is equivalent to the fiber of (fββ) over ππ½B and hence contractible. β
Next we define the types which put together the other homotopy with the additional coherence datum.
Definition 4.2.10.
For f:AβB, a left inverse (g,Ξ·):linv(f), and a right inverse (g,Ο΅):rinv(f), we denote
π πΌππf(g,Ξ·) | :β‘β(Ο΅:fβgβΌππ½B)β(y:B)g(Ο΅y)=Ξ·(gy), | ||
ππΌππf(g,Ο΅) | :β‘β(Ξ·:gβfβΌππ½A)β(x:A)f(Ξ·x)=Ο΅(fx). |
Lemma 4.2.11.
For any f,g,Ο΅,Ξ·, we have
π πΌππf(g,Ξ·) | ββy:B(fgy,Ξ·(gy))=πΏππ»g(gy)(y,ππΎπΏπ gy), | ||
ππΌππf(g,Ο΅) | ββx:A(gfx,Ο΅(fx))=πΏππ»f(fx)(x,ππΎπΏπ fx). |
Using Lemma 4.2.5 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem2). β
Lemma 4.2.12.
If f is a half adjoint equivalence, then for any (g,Ο΅):rinv(f), the type rcohf(g,Ο΅) is contractible.
By Lemma 4.2.11 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem5) and the fact that dependent function types preserve contractible spaces, it suffices to show that for each x:A, the type (gfx,Ο΅(fx))=πΏππ»f(fx)(x,ππΎπΏπ fx) is contractible. But by Theorem 4.2.6 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprethm2), πΏππ»f(fx) is contractible, and any path space of a contractible space is itself contractible. β
Theorem 4.2.13.
For any f:AβB, the type ishae(f) is a mere proposition.
By Lemma 3.11.3 (http://planetmath.org/311contractibility#Thmprelem1) it suffices to assume f to be a half adjoint equivalence and show that ππππΊπΎ(f) is contractible. Now by associativity of Ξ£ (http://planetmath.org/node/87641Exercise 2.10), the type ππππΊπΎ(f) is equivalent to
βu:ππππ(f)ππΌππf(ππ1(u),ππ2(u)). |
But by Lemma 4.2.9 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem4),Lemma 4.2.12 (http://planetmath.org/42halfadjointequivalences#Thmprelem6) and the fact that Ξ£ preserves contractibility, the latter type is also contractible. β
Thus, we have shown that ππππΊπΎ(f) has all three desiderata for the type πππΎππππ(f).
In the next two sections we consider a couple of other possibilities.
Title | 4.2 Half adjoint equivalences |
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