Hypergroups are generalizations of groups. Recall that a group is set with a binary operation
on it satisfying a number of conditions. If this binary operation is taken to be multivalued, then we arrive at a hypergroup. In order to make this precise, we need some preliminary concepts:
Definition. A hypergroupoid, or multigroupoid, is a non-empty set G, together with a multivalued function ⋅:G×G⇒G called the multiplication on G.
We write a⋅b, or simply ab, instead of ⋅(a,b). Furthermore, if ab={c}, then we use the abbreviation ab=c.
A hypergroupoid is said to be commutative if ab=ba for all a,b∈G. Defining associativity of ⋅ on G, however, is trickier:
Given a hypergroupoid G, the multiplication ⋅ induces a binary operation (also written ⋅) on P(G), the powerset of P, given by
A⋅B:= |
As a result, we have an induced groupoid . Instead of writing , , and , we write , and instead. From now on, when we write , we mean
“first, take the product
of and via the multivalued binary operation on , then take the product of the set with the element , under the induced binary operation on ”. Given a hypergroupoid , there are two types of associativity we may define:
- Type 1.
, and
- Type 2.
is said to be associative if it satisfies both types of associativity laws. An associative hypergroupoid is called a hypersemigroup. We are now ready to formally define a hypergroup.
Definition. A hypergroup is a hypersemigroup such that for all .
For example, let be a group and a subgroup of . Let be the collection
of all left cosets
of in . For , set
Then is a hypergroup with multiplication .
If the multiplication in a hypergroup is single-valued, then is a -group (http://planetmath.org/PolyadicSemigroup), and therefore a group (see proof here (http://planetmath.org/PolyadicSemigroup)).
Remark. A hypergroup is also known as a multigroup, although some call a multigroup as a hypergroup with a designated identity element , as well as a designated inverse
for every element with respect . Actually identities and inverses may be defined more generally for hypergroupoids:
Let be a hypergroupoid. Identity elements are defined via the following three sets:
(set of left identities): ,
(set of right identities): , and
(set of identities): .
is called an absolute identity if for all . If are both absolute identities, then , so can have at most one absolute identity.
Suppose and . An element is said to be a left inverse of with respect to if . Right inverses of are defined similarly. If is both a left and a right inverse of with respect to , then is called an inverse of with respect to .
Thus, one may say that a multigroup is a hypergroup with an identity , and a function such that is an inverse of with respect to .
In the example above, is a multigroup in the sense given in the remark above. The designated identity is (in fact, this is the only identity in ), and for every , its designated inverse is provided by (of course, this may not be its only inverse, as any such that for some will do).
- 1 R. H. Bruck, A Survey on Binary Systems, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1966.
- 2 M. Dresher, O. Ore, Theory of Multigroups, Amer. J. Math. vol. 60, pp. 705-733, 1938.
- 3 J.E. Eaton, O. Ore, Remarks on Multigroups, Amer. J. Math. vol. 62, pp. 67-71, 1940.
- 4 L. W. Griffiths, On Hypergroups, Multigroups, and Product Systems, Amer. J. Math. vol. 60, pp. 345-354, 1938.
- 5 A. P. Dičman, On Multigroups whose Elements are Subsets of a Group, Moskov. Gos. Ped. Inst. Uč. Zap. vol. 71, pp. 71-79, 1953
Title | hypergroup |
Canonical name | Hypergroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:38:22 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:38:22 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20N20 |
Synonym | multigroupoid |
Synonym | multisemigroup |
Synonym | multigroup |
Related topic | group |
Defines | hypergroupoid |
Defines | hypersemigroup |
Defines | left identity |
Defines | right identity |
Defines | identity |
Defines | absolute identity |
Defines | left inverse |
Defines | right inverse |
Defines | inverse |
Defines | absolute identity |