
Let H be a subgroupMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of a group G, and let aG. The left cosetMathworldPlanetmath of a with respect to H in G is defined to be the set


The right coset of a with respect to H in G is defined to be the set


Two left cosets aH and bH of H in G are either identical or disjoint. Indeed, if caHbH, then c=ah1 and c=bh2 for some h1,h2H, whence b-1a=h2h1-1H. But then, given any ahaH, we have ah=(bb-1)ah=b(b-1a)hbH, so aHbH, and similarly bHaH. Therefore aH=bH.

Similarly, any two right cosets Ha and Hb of H in G are either identical or disjoint. Accordingly, the collectionMathworldPlanetmath of left cosets (or right cosets) partitionsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath the group G; the corresponding equivalence relationMathworldPlanetmath for left cosets can be described succintly by the relationMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath ab if a-1bH, and for right cosets by ab if ab-1H.

The index of H in G, denoted [G:H], is the cardinality of the set G/H of left cosets of H in G.

Title coset
Canonical name Coset
Date of creation 2013-03-22 12:08:10
Last modified on 2013-03-22 12:08:10
Owner djao (24)
Last modified by djao (24)
Numerical id 9
Author djao (24)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 20A05
Defines index
Defines left coset
Defines right coset