9.8 The structure identity principle
The structure identity
principle is an informal principle
that expresses that isomorphic
structures are identical. We aim to
prove a general abstract result which can be applied to a wide family
of notions of structure, where structures may be many-sorted or even
dependently-sorted, infinitary, or even higher order.
The simplest kind of single-sorted structure consists of a type with no additional structure. The univalence axiom expresses the structure identity principle for that notion of structure in a strong form: for types A,B, the canonical function (A=B)→(A≃B) is an equivalence.
We start with a precategory X. In our application to
single-sorted first order structures, X will be the category of 𝒰-small sets, where 𝒰 is a univalent type universe.
Definition 9.8.1.
A notion of structure (P,H) over X consists of the following.
A type family P:X0→𝒰. For each x:X0 the elements of Px are called (P,H)-structures on x.
For x,y:X0 and α:Px, β:Py, to each f:homX(x,y) a mere proposition
Hαβ(f). If Hαβ(f) is true, we say that f is a (P,H)-homomorphism
from α to β.
For x:X0 and α:Px, we have Hαα(1x).
For x,y,z:X0 and α:Px, β:Py, γ:Pz, if f:homX(x,y), we have
When (P,H) is a notion of structure, for α,β:Px we define
(α≤xβ):≡Hαβ(1x). |
By 3 and 4, this is a preorder (\autorefct:orders) with Px its type of objects. We say that (P,H) is a standard notion of structure if this preorder is in fact a partial order, for all x:X.
Note that for a standard notion of structure, each type Px must actually be a set. We now define, for any notion of structure (P,H), a precategory of (P,H)-structures, A=𝖲𝗍𝗋(P,H)(X).
The type of objects of A is the type A0:≡∑(x:X)Px. If a≡(x,α):A0, we may write |a|:≡x.
For (x,α):A0 and (y,β):A0, we define
The composition and identities are inherited from X; conditions 3 and 4 ensure that these lift to A.
Theorem 9.8.2 (Structure identity principle).
If X is a category and (P,H) is a standard notion of structure over X, then the precategory Str(P,H)(X) is a category.
By the definition of equality in dependent pair types, to give an equality (x,α)=(y,β) consists of
An equality p:x=y, and
An equality p*(α)=β.
Since P is set-valued, the latter is a mere proposition. On the other hand, it is easy to see that an isomorphism (x,α)≅(y,β) in 𝖲𝗍𝗋(P,H)(X) consists of
An isomorphism f:x≅y in X, such that
Hαβ(f) and Hβα(f-1).
Of course, the second of these is also a mere proposition. And since X is a category, the function (x=y)→(x≅y) is an equivalence. Thus, it will suffice to show that for any p:x=y and for any (α:Px), (β:Py), we have p*(α)=β if and only if both Hαβ(𝗂𝖽𝗍𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗈(p)) and Hβα(𝗂𝖽𝗍𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗈(p)-1).
The “only if” direction is just the existence of the function 𝗂𝖽𝗍𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗈 for the category 𝖲𝗍𝗋(P,H)(X).
For the “if” direction, by induction on p we may assume that y≡x and p≡𝗋𝖾𝖿𝗅x.
However, in this case 𝗂𝖽𝗍𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗈(p)≡1x and therefore 𝗂𝖽𝗍𝗈𝗂𝗌𝗈(p)-1=1x.
Thus, α≤xβ and β≤xα, which implies α=β since (P,H) is a standard notion of structure.
As an example, this methodology gives an alternative way to express the proof of \autorefct:functor-cat.
Example 9.8.3.
Let A be a precategory and B a category.
There is a precategory BA0 whose objects are functions A0→B0, and whose set of morphisms from F0:A0→B0 to G0:A0→B0 is ∏(a:A0)homB(F0a,G0a).
Composition and identities are inherited directly from those in B.
It is easy to show that γ:homBA0(F0,G0) is an isomorphism exactly when each component γa is an isomorphism, so that we have (F0≅G0)≃∏(a:A0)(F0a≅G0a).
Moreover, the map idtoiso:(F0=G0)→(F0≅G0) of BA0 is equal to the composite
(F0=G0)⟶∏a:A0(F0a=G0a)⟶∏a:A0(F0a≅G0a)⟶(F0≅G0) |
in which the first map is an equivalence by function extensionality, the second because it is a dependent product of equivalences (since B is a category), and the third as remarked above. Thus, BA0 is a category.
Now we define a notion of structure on BA0 for which P(F0) is the type of operations F:∏(a,a′:A0)homA(a,a′)→homB(F0a,F0a′) which extend F0 to a functor
(i.e. preserve composition and identities).
This is a set since each homB(–,–) is so.
Given such F and G, we define γ:homBA0(F0,G0) to be a homomorphism if it forms a natural transformation.
In \autorefct:functor-precat we essentially verified that this is a notion of structure.
Moreover, if F and F′ are both structures on F0 and the identity is a natural transformation from F to F′, then for any f:homA(a,a′) we have F′f=F′f∘1F0a=1F0a∘Ff=Ff.
Applying function extensionality, we conclude F=F′.
Thus, we have a standard notion of structure, and so by \autorefthm:sip, the precategory BA is a category.
As another example, we consider categories of structures for a first-order signature.
We define a first-order signature,
Ω, to consist of sets Ω0 and Ω1 of function symbols, ω:Ω0, and relation symbols, ω:Ω1, each having an arity |ω| that is a set.
An Ω-structure
a consists of a set |a| together with an assignment of an |ω|-ary function ωa:|a||ω|→|a| on |a| to each function symbol, ω, and an assignment of an |ω|-ary relation
ωa on |a|, assigning a mere proposition ωax to each x:|a||ω|, to each relation symbol.
And given Ω-structures a,b, a function f:|a|→|b| is a homomorphism a→b
if it preserves the structure; i.e. if for each symbol ω of the signature and each x:|a||ω|,
f(ωax)=ωb(f∘x) if ω:Ω0, and
ωax→ωb(f∘x) if ω:Ω1.
Note that each x:|a||ω| is a function x:|ω|→|a| so that f∘x:bω.
Now we assume given a (univalent) universe 𝒰 and a 𝒰-small signature Ω; i.e. |Ω| is a 𝒰-small set and, for each ω:|Ω|, the set |ω| is 𝒰-small. Then we have the category 𝒮et𝒰 of 𝒰-small sets. We want to define the precategory of 𝒰-small Ω-structures over 𝒮et𝒰 and use \autorefthm:sip to show that it is a category.
We use the first order signature Ω to give us a standard notion of structure (P,H) over 𝒮et𝒰.
Definition 9.8.4.
For each 𝒰-small set x define
Px:≡P0x×P1x. Here
P0x :≡∏ω:Ω0x|ω|→x, and P1x :≡∏ω:Ω1x|ω|→𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗉𝒰, -
For 𝒰-small sets x,y and α:Pωx,β:Pωy,f:x→y, define
Hαβ(f):≡H0,αβ(f)∧H1,αβ(f). Here
H0,αβ(f) :≡∀(ω:Ω0).∀(u:x|ω|).f(αu)=β(f∘u), and H1,αβ(f) :≡∀(ω:Ω1).∀(u:x|ω|).αu→β(f∘u).
It is now routine to check that (P,H) is a standard notion of structure over 𝒮et𝒰 and hence we may use \autorefthm:sip to get that the precategory Str(P,H)(𝒮et𝒰) is a category. It only remains to observe that this is essentially the same as the precategory of 𝒰-small Ω-structures over 𝒮et𝒰.
Title | 9.8 The structure identity principle |
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