Itô’s formula

0.1 Case of single space dimension

Let Xt be an Itô process satisfying the stochastic differential equation


with μt and σt being adapted processes, adapted to the same filtration as the Brownian motionMathworldPlanetmath Wt. Let f be a function with continuousMathworldPlanetmath partial derivativesMathworldPlanetmath ft, fx and 2fx2.

Then Yt=f(Xt) is also an Itô process, and its stochastic differential equation is

dYt =ftdt+fxdXt+122fx2(dXt)(dXt)

where all partial derivatives are to be taken at (t,Xt).

0.2 Case of multiple space dimensions

There is also an analogue for multiple space dimensionsPlanetmathPlanetmath.

Let Xt be a n-valued Itô process satisfying the stochastic differential equation


with μt and σt being adapted processes, adapted to the same filtration as the m-dimensional Brownian motion Wt. μt is n-valued and σt is L(m,n)-valued.

Let f:n× be a function with continuous partial derivatives.

Then Yt=f(Xt) is also an Itô process, and its stochastic differential equation is

dYt =ftdt+(Df)dXt+12dXt*(D2f)dXt


The quadratic form tr(σtσt*D2f)dt represents the quadratic variation of the process. When σt is the identity transformation, this reduces to the Laplacian of f.

Itô’s formula in multiple dimensions can also be written with the standard vector calculus operators. It is in the similar notation typically used for the related parabolic partial differential equation describing an Itô diffusion:



  • 1 Bernt Øksendal. , An Introduction with Applications. 5th ed., Springer 1998.
  • 2 Hui-Hsiung Kuo. Introduction to Stochastic Integration. Springer 2006.
Title Itô’s formula
Canonical name ItosFormula
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:16:14
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:16:14
Owner stevecheng (10074)
Last modified by stevecheng (10074)
Numerical id 13
Author stevecheng (10074)
Entry type Axiom
Classification msc 60H10
Classification msc 60H05
Synonym Itô’s formula
Synonym Itô’s chain ruleMathworldPlanetmath
Synonym Ito’s formula
Synonym Ito’s lemma
Synonym Ito’s chain rule
Related topic ItosLemma2
Related topic GeneralizedItoFormula