projective special linear group
Let V be a vector space over a field F and let SL(V) be the special linear group
. Let Z be the center of SL(V). The projective special linear group
associated to V is the quotient group
SL(V)/Z and is usually denoted by PSL(V).
When V is a finite dimensional vector space over F (of dimension n) then we write PSL(n,F) or PSLn(F). We also identify the linear transformations of V with n×n matrices, so PSL may be regarded as a quotient of the group of matrices SL(n,F) by its center.
Note: see the entry on projective space for the origin of the terminology.
Theorem 1.
The center Z of SL(n,F) is the group of all scalar matrices λ⋅Id where λ is an nth root of unity in F.
In particular, for n=2, Z={±Id} and:
PSL(2,F)=SL(2,F)/{±Id}. |
As a consequence of the previous theorem, we obtain:
Theorem 2.
For n≥3, PSL(n,F) is a simple group.
Furthermore, if F is a finite field then the groups
PSL(n,𝔽)=SL(n,𝔽)/Z,n≥2 |
are all finite simple groups, except for n=2 and F=F2,F3.
S. Lang, Algebra
, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- 2 D. Dummit, R. Foote, Abstract Algebra, Second Edition, Wiley.
Title | projective special linear group |
Canonical name | ProjectiveSpecialLinearGroup |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:09:46 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:09:46 |
Owner | alozano (2414) |
Last modified by | alozano (2414) |
Numerical id | 4 |
Author | alozano (2414) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 20G15 |
Synonym | PSL |
Related topic | TheoremsOfSpecialLinearGroupOverAFiniteField |