subanalytic set

Let UโŠ‚โ„n. Suppose ๐’œโข(U) is any ring of real valued functions on U. Define ๐’ฎโข(๐’œโข(U)) to be the smallest set of subsets of U, which contain the sets {xโˆˆUโขโˆฃfโข(x)>โข0} for all fโˆˆ๐’œโข(U), and is closed under finite union, finite intersectionMathworldPlanetmath and complement.


A set VโŠ‚โ„n is semianalytic if and only if for each xโˆˆโ„n, there exists a neighbourhood U of x, such that VโˆฉUโˆˆ๐’ฎโข(๐’ชโข(U)), where ๐’ชโข(U) denotes the real-analytic real valued functions.

Unlike for semialgebraic setsMathworldPlanetmath, there is no Tarski-Seidenberg theorem for semianalytic sets, and projectionsMathworldPlanetmath of semianalytic sets are in general not semianalytic.


We say VโŠ‚โ„n is a subanalytic set if for each xโˆˆโ„n, there exists a relatively compact semianalytic set XโŠ‚โ„n+m and a neighbourhood U of x, such that VโˆฉU is the projection of X onto the first n coordinatesPlanetmathPlanetmath.

In particular all semianalytic sets are subanalytic. On an open dense set subanalytic sets are submanifolds and hence we can define dimensionPlanetmathPlanetmath. Hence at a point p, where a set A is a submanifold, the dimension dimpโกA is the dimension of the submanifold. The dimension of the subanalytic set is the maximum dimpโกA for all p where A is a submanifold. Semianalytic sets are contained in a real-analytic subvarietyMathworldPlanetmath of the same dimension. However, subanalytic sets are not in general contained in any subvariety of the same dimension. We do have however the following.


A subanalytic set A can be written as a locally finitePlanetmathPlanetmath union of submanifolds.

The set of subanalytic sets is still not completely closed under projections however. Note that a real-analytic subvariety that is not relatively compact can have a projection which is not a locally finite union of submanifolds, and hence is not subanalytic.


Let UโŠ‚โ„n. A mapping f:Uโ†’โ„m is said to be subanalytic (resp. semianalytic) if the graph of f (i.e. the set {(x,y)โˆˆUร—โ„mโˆฃx,y=fโข(x)}) is subanalytic (resp. semianalytic)


  • 1 Edward Bierstone and Pierreย D. Milman, Semianalytic and subanalytic sets, Inst. Hautes ร‰tudes Sci. Publ. Math. (1988), no.ย 67, 5โ€“42. 89k:32011
Title subanalytic set
Canonical name SubanalyticSet
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:46:16
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:46:16
Owner jirka (4157)
Last modified by jirka (4157)
Numerical id 6
Author jirka (4157)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 32B20
Classification msc 14P15
Related topic TarskiSeidenbergTheorem
Related topic SemialgebraicSet
Defines subanalytic
Defines semianalytic set
Defines semianalytic
Defines semianalytic function
Defines subanalytic function
Defines semianalytic mapping
Defines subanalytic mapping
Defines dimension of a subanalytic set