tangent bundle
Let M be a differentiable manifold. Let the tangent bundle TM of M be(as a set) the disjoint union ∐m∈MTmM of all the tangent spaces
to M, i.e., the set of pairs
{(m,x)|m∈M,x∈TmM}. |
This naturally has a manifold structure, given as follows. For M=ℝn, Tℝn is obviously isomorphic
to ℝ2n, and is thus obviously a manifold. By the definition of a differentiable manifold, for any m∈M, there is a neighborhood U of m and a diffeomorphism φ:ℝn→U. Since this map is a diffeomorphism, its derivative
is an isomorphism
at all points. Thus Tφ:Tℝn=ℝ2n→TU is bijective
, which endows TU with a natural structure of a differentiable manifold. Since the transition maps for M are differentiable
, they are for TM as well, and TM is a differentiable manifold. In fact, the projection π:TM→M forgetting the tangent vector and remembering the point, is a vector bundle. A vector field on M is simply a section
of this bundle.
The tangent bundle is functorial in the obvious sense: If f:M→N is differentiable, we get a map Tf:TM→TN, defined by f on the base, and its derivative on the fibers.
Title | tangent bundle |
Canonical name | TangentBundle |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:58:59 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:58:59 |
Owner | bwebste (988) |
Last modified by | bwebste (988) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | bwebste (988) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 58A32 |
Related topic | VectorField |
Related topic | LieAlgebroids |