almost periodic function (classical definition)
A continuous function f:ℝ→ℝ is said to be almost periodic if, for every ϵ>0, there exists an a number Lϵ>0 such that for every interval I of length Lϵ there exists a number ωI∈I such that
|f(x+ωI)-f(x)|<ϵ |
whenever x∈ℝ.
Intuition: we want the function to have an ”approximate period”. However, it is easy to write too weak condition. First, we want uniform estimate in x. If we allow ω to be small than the condition degenerates to uniform continuity. If we require a single ω, than the condition still is too weak (it allows pretty wide changes). For periodic function every multiple of a period is still a period. So, if the length of an interval is longer than the period, then the interval contains a period. The definition of almost periodic functions mimics the above property of periodic functions: every sufficiently long interval should contain an approximate period.
It is possible to generalize this notion. The range of the function can be taken to be a normed vector space — in the first definition, we merely need to replace the absolute value
with the norm:
∥f(x+ω)-f(x)∥<ϵ |
In the second definition, interpret uniform convergence as uniform convergence with respect to the norm. A common case of this is the case where the range is the complex numbers. It is worth noting that if the vector space is finite dimensional, a function is almost periodic if and only if each of its components with respect to a basis is almost periodic.
Also the domain may be taken to be a group G. A function is called almost periodic iff set of its translates is pre-compact (compact after completion).
Equivalently, a continuous function f on a topological group G is
almost periodic iff there is a compact group K, a continuous
function g on K and a (continuous) homomorphism
h form G
to K such that f is the composition of g and h.
The classical case described above arises when the group is the additive group
of the real number field. Almost periodic functions with respect to groups play a role in the representation theory of non-compact Lie algebras. (In the compact case, they are trivial — all continuous functions are almost periodic.)
The notion of an almost periodic function should not be confused with the notion of quasiperiodic function.
Title | almost periodic function (classical definition) |
Canonical name | AlmostPeriodicFunctionclassicalDefinition |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:53:14 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:53:14 |
Owner | drini (3) |
Last modified by | drini (3) |
Numerical id | 13 |
Author | drini (3) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 42A75 |
Synonym | almost periodic function |
Related topic | ExampleOfNonSeperableHilbertSpace |
Defines | almost periodic |