alternative definition of algebraically closed
Proposition 1.
If K is a field, the following are equivalent:
K is algebraically closed
, i.e. every nonconstant polynomial
f in K[x] has a root in K.
Every nonconstant polynomial f in K[x] splits completely over K.
If L|K is an algebraic extension
then L=K.
If (1) is true then we can prove by induction on degree of f that every nonconstant polynomial f splits completely over K. Conversely, (2)⇒ (1) is trivial.
(2)⇒ (3) If L|K is algebraic and α∈L, then α is a root of a polynomial f∈K[x]. By (2) f splits over K, which implies that α∈K. It follows that L=K.
(3)⇒ (1) Let f∈K[x] and α a root of f (in some extension of K). Then K(α) is an algebraic extension of K, hence α∈K.
Examples 1) The field of real numbers ℝ is not algebraically closed. Consider the equation x2+1=0. The square of a real number is always positive and cannot be -1 so the equation has no roots.
2) The p-adic field ℚp is not algebraically closed because the equation x2-p=0 has no roots. Otherwise x2=p implies 2vpx=1, which is false.
Title | alternative definition of algebraically closed |
Canonical name | AlternativeDefinitionOfAlgebraicallyClosed |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:53:23 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:53:23 |
Owner | polarbear (3475) |
Last modified by | polarbear (3475) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | polarbear (3475) |
Entry type | Derivation |
Classification | msc 12F05 |