an integrable function that does not tend to zero
In this entry, we give an example of a function f such that f is Lebesgue integrable on [0,∞) but f(x) does not tend to zero as x→∞.
First of all, let gn be the function sin(2nx)χ[0,π2n], where χI denotes the characteristic function of the interval I. In other words, χ takes the value 1 on I and 0 everywhere else.
Let μ denote Lebesgue measure. An easy computation shows
∫ℝgn𝑑μ=21-n, | (1) |
and gn(π2n+1)=1. Let hn(x)=gn(x-nπ), so hn is just a “shifted” version of gn. Note that
hn(nπ+π2n+1)=1. | (2) |
We now construct our function f by defining f=∞∑r=0hr. There are no convergence problems with this sum since for a given x∈ℝ, at most one hr takes a non-zero value at x. Also f(x) does not tend to 0 as x→∞ as there are arbitrarily large values of x for which f takes the value 1, by (2).
All that is left is to show that f is Lebesgue integrable. To do this rigorously, we apply the monotone convergence theorem (MCT) with fn=n∑r=0hr. We must check the hypotheses of the MCT. Clearly fn→f as n→∞, and the sequence
(fn) is monotone increasing, positive, and integrable. Furthermore, each fn is continuous
and zero except on a compact interval, so is integrable. Finally, from (1) we see that ∫ℝfn𝑑μ≤4 for all n. Therefore, the MCT applies and f is integrable.
Title | an integrable function that does not tend to zero |
Canonical name | AnIntegrableFunctionThatDoesNotTendToZero |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:56:09 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:56:09 |
Owner | silverfish (6603) |
Last modified by | silverfish (6603) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | silverfish (6603) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 28-01 |