Borel-Bott-Weil theorem
Let G be a semisimple Lie group, and λ be an integral weight for that group. λ naturally defines a one-dimensional representation Cλ of the Borel subgroup B of G, by simply pulling back the representation on the maximal torus T=B/U where U is the unipotent radical
of G. Since we can think of the projection map π:G→G/B as a principle B-bundle (, to each Cλ, we get an associated fiber bundle
ℒλ on G/B, which is obviously a line bundle
. Identifying ℒλ with its sheaf of holomorphic sections
, we consider the sheaf cohomology groups Hi(ℒλ). Realizing 𝔤, the Lie algebra
of G, as vector fields on G/B, we see that 𝔤 acts on the sections of ℒλ over any open set, and so we get an action on cohomology groups
. This integrates to an action of G, which on H0(ℒλ) is simply the obvious action of the group.
The Borel-Bott-Weil theorem states the following: if (λ+ρ,α)=0 for any simple root α of 𝔤, then
Hi(ℒλ)=0 |
for all i, where ρ is half the sum of all the positive roots. Otherwise, let w∈W, the Weyl group of G, be the unique element such that w(λ+ρ) is dominant (i.e. (w(λ+ρ),α)>0 for all simple roots α).
Hℓ(w)(ℒλ)≅Vλ |
where Vλ is the unique irreducible representation of highest weight λ, and Hi(ℒλ)=0 for all other i. In particular, if λ is already dominant, then Γ(ℒλ)≅Vλ, and the higher cohomology of ℒλ vanishes.
If λ is dominant, than ℒλ is generated by global sections, and thus determines a map
mλ:G/B→ℙ(Γ(ℒλ)). |
This map is an obvious one, which takes the coset of B to the highest weight vector v0 of Vλ. This can be extended by equivariance since B fixes v0. This provides an alternate description of ℒλ.
For example, consider G=SL2ℂ. G/B is ℂP1, the Riemann sphere, and an integral weight is specified simply by an integer n, and ρ=1. The line bundle ℒn is simply 𝒪(n), whose sections are the homogeneous polynomials of degree n. This gives us in one stroke the representation theory of SL2ℂ: Γ(𝒪(1)) is the standard representation, and Γ(𝒪(n)) is its nth symmetric power. We even have
a unified decription of the action of the Lie algebra, derived from its realization as vector fields on ℂP1: if H,X,Y are the standard generators of 𝔰𝔩2ℂ, then
H | =xddx-yddy | ||
X | =xddy | ||
Y | =yddx |
Title | Borel-Bott-Weil theorem |
Canonical name | BorelBottWeilTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:50:52 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:50:52 |
Owner | mathcam (2727) |
Last modified by | mathcam (2727) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | mathcam (2727) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 14M15 |