bounded linear functionals on
If is a positive measure on a set , , and , where is the Hölder conjugate of , then Hölder’s inequality
implies that the map is a bounded linear functional
on . It is therefore natural to ask whether or not all such functionals
on are of this form for some . Under fairly mild hypotheses, and excepting the case , the Radon-Nikodym Theorem
answers this question affirmatively.
Let be a -finite measure space, , and the Hölder conjugate of . If is a bounded linear functional on , then there exists a unique such that
(1) |
for all . Furthermore, . Thus, under the stated hypotheses, is isometrically isomorphic to the dual space of .
If , then the assertion of the theorem remains valid without the assumption that is -finite; however, even with this hypothesis, the result can fail in the case that . In particular, the bounded linear functionals on , where is Lebesgue measure
on , are not all obtained in the above manner via members of . An explicit example illustrating this is constructed as follows: the assignment defines a bounded linear functional on , which, by the Hahn-Banach Theorem, may be extended to a bounded linear functional on . Assume for the sake of contradiction
that there exists such that for every , and for , define by . As each is continuous
, we have for all ; however, because almost everywhere and , the Dominated Convergence Theorem, together with our hypothesis on , gives
a contradiction. It follows that no such can exist.
Title | bounded linear functionals on |
Canonical name | BoundedLinearFunctionalsOnLpmu |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:32:57 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:32:57 |
Owner | azdbacks4234 (14155) |
Last modified by | azdbacks4234 (14155) |
Numerical id | 15 |
Author | azdbacks4234 (14155) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 28B15 |
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