A contradiction occurs when the statements p and ¬p are shown to be true simultaneously. This concept appears most often in a proof by contradiction (also known as reductio ad absurdum), which is proving a statement by supposing its negation is true and logically deducing an absurd statement. That is, in attempting to prove q, one may assume ¬q and attempt to obtain a statement of the form ¬r, where r is a statement that is assumed or known to be true.
Proofs by contradiction can become confusing. This is especially the case when such proofs are nested; i.e. (, a proof by contradiction occurs within a proof by contradiction. Some mathematicians prefer to use a direct proof whenever possible, as such are easier to follow in general. A small minority of mathematicians go so far as to reject proof by contradiction as a valid proof technique. It should be pointed out that something good can be said for proof by contradiction: If one wants to prove a statement of the form p⟹q, using the technique of proof by contradiction gives an additional hypothesis with which to work.
Title | contradiction |
Canonical name | Contradiction |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:02:48 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:02:48 |
Owner | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Last modified by | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | Wkbj79 (1863) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03F07 |
Classification | msc 03B05 |
Related topic | ContradictoryStatement |
Defines | proof by contradiction |
Defines | reductio ad absurdum |