cardinality of disjoint union of finite sets

To begin we will need a lemma.


Suppose A, B, C, and D are sets, with AB=CD=, and suppose there exist bijectiveMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath maps f1:AC and f2:BD. Then there exists a bijective map from AB to CD.


Define the map g:ABCD by

g(x)={f1(x)if xAf2(x)if xB. (1)

To see that g is injectivePlanetmathPlanetmath, let x1,x2AB, where x1x2. If x1,x2A, then by the injectivity of f1 we have

g(x1)=f1(x1)f1(x2)=g(x2). (2)

Similarly if x1,x2B, g(x1)g(x2) by the injectivity of f2. If x1A and x2B, then g(x1)=f1(x1)C, while g(x2)=f2(x2)D, whence g(x1)g(x2) because C and D are disjoint. If x1B and x2A, then g(x1)g(x2) by the same reasoning. Thus g is injective. To see that g is surjective, let yCD. If yC, then by the surjectivity of f1 there exists some xA such that f1(x)=y, hence g(x)=y. Similarly if yD, by the surjectivity of f2 there exists some xB such that f2(x)=y, hence g(x)=y. Thus g is surjective. ∎


If A and B are finite setsMathworldPlanetmath with AB=, then AB=A+B.


Let A and B be finite, disjoint sets. If either A or B is empty, the result holds trivially, so suppose A and B are nonempty with A=n and B=m. Then there exist bijections f:nA and g:mB. Define h:nn+mm by h(i)=m+i for each in. To see that h is injective, let i1,i2, and suppose h(i1)=h(i2). Then m+i1=m+i2, whence i1=i2. Thus h is injective. To see that h is surjective, let kn+mm. By construction, m+1km+n, and consequently 1k-mn, so k-mn; therefore we may take i=k-m to have h(i)=k, so h is surjective. Then, again by construction, the compositionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath fh-1 is a bijection from n+mm to A, and as such, by the preceding lemma, the map ϕ:n+mmmAB defined by

ϕ(i)={(fh-1)(i)if in+mmg(i)if im, (3)

is a bijection. Of course, the domain of ϕ is simply n+m, so AB=n+m, as asserted. ∎


Let {Ak}k=1n be a family of mutually disjoint, finite sets. Then k=1nAk=k=1nAk.


We proceed by inductionMathworldPlanetmath on n. In the case n=2, the the preceding result applies, so let n2, and suppose k=1nAk=k=1nAk. Then by our inductive hypothesis and the preceding result, we have

|k=1n+1Ak|=|k=1nAkAn+1|=|k=1nAk|+An+1=k=1nAk+An+1=k=1n+1Ak. (4)

Thus the result holds for n+1, and by the principle of induction, for all n. ∎

Title cardinality of disjoint union of finite sets
Canonical name CardinalityOfDisjointUnionOfFiniteSets
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:31:05
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:31:05
Owner mathcam (2727)
Last modified by mathcam (2727)
Numerical id 17
Author mathcam (2727)
Entry type TheoremMathworldPlanetmath
Classification msc 03E10
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