Chu space
A Chu space over a set Σ is a triple (𝒜,r,𝒳) with r:𝒜×𝒳→Σ. 𝒜 is called the carrier and 𝒳 the cocarrier.
Although the definition is symmetrical, in practice asymmetric uses are common. In particular, often 𝒳 is just taken to be a set of function from 𝒜 to Σ, with r(a,x)=x(a) (such a Chu space is called normal and is abbreviated (𝒜,𝒳)).
We define the perp of a Chu space 𝒞=(𝒜,r,𝒳) to be 𝒞⟂ where .
Define and to be functions defining the rows and columns of respectively, so that and are given by . Clearly the rows of are the columns of .
Using these definitions, a Chu space can be represented using a matrix.
If is injective then we call separable and if is injective we call extensional. A Chu space which is both separable and extensional is biextensional.
Title | Chu space |
Canonical name | ChuSpace |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:04:51 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:04:51 |
Owner | Henry (455) |
Last modified by | Henry (455) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | Henry (455) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 03G99 |
Defines | perp |
Defines | carrier |
Defines | cocarrier |
Defines | normal |
Defines | normal Chu space |
Defines | separable |
Defines | extensional |
Defines | biextensional |
Defines | row |
Defines | column |