combinatorial uniqueness of Hesse Configuration
In this article, we will show that a collection
of objects which has the incidence structure of
a Hesse configuration is unique up to relabeling.
Definition 1.
Theorem 1.
If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration, then L has 12 elements.
Let D be the set of all two-element subsets of P. Then D has (92)=36 elements. Each element of L is a subset of P with three elements, hence has (32)=3 subsets of cardinality 2. By the definition above, every element of D must be a subset of exactly one element of L. For this to be possible, L must have cardinality 36/3=12. ∎
Theorem 2.
If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration then, for every p∈P, there exist exactly four elements ℓ∈L such that p∈ℓ.
To every q∈P such that q≠p, there exists exactly one ℓ∈L such that p∈ℓ and q∈ℓ. Furthermore, for every ℓ∈L such that p∈ℓ, there will be exactly two elements of ℓ other than p. Hence, there exist (9-1)/2=4 elements ℓ∈L such that p∈ℓ. ∎
Theorem 3.
If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration and ℓ∈L, then there exist m,n∈L such that ℓ∩m=ℓ∩n=m∩n=∅.
By the foregoing result, given p∈ℓ, there are four elements of L to which p belongs. One of these, of course, is ℓ itself, and the other three are distinct from ℓ. Since ℓ has three elements, this means that there are at most 3⋅3+1=10 elements k∈L such that P∩L≠∅. Because L has 12 elements. there must exist m,n∈L such that ℓ∩m=ℓ∩n=∅.
It remains to show that m∩n=∅. Suppose to the
contrary that there exists a p such that p∈m and
p∈n. Since m∩ℓ=∅, it follows that
p∉ℓ, hence there will exist three distinct elements
of L containing p and an element of ℓ. Because
ℓ∩m=ℓ∩n=∅, these three elements
are distinct from m and n. That makes for a total of
five distinct elements of L containing p, which
contradicts the previous theorem, hence m∩n=∅.
Theorem 4.
If m,n,k are elements of L such that m∩n=n∩k=k∩m=∅ and ℓ∈L∖{m,n,k}, then ℓ has exactly one element in common with each of m,n,k.
Since each element of L is a subset of P with three elements and m,n,k are pairwise disjoint but P only has nine elements, it follows that every element of P must belong to exactly one of m,n,k. In particular, this means that every element of ℓ must belong to one of m,n,k. Were two elements of ℓ to belong to the same element of {m,n,k} then, by the third defining property, that element would have to equal ℓ, contrary to its definition. Hence, each element of ℓ must belong to a distinct element of {m,n,k}. ∎
Theorem 5.
If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration, then we can label the elements of P as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I in such a way that the elements of L are
{A,B,C},{D,E,F},{G,H,I}, |
{A,D,G},{B,E,H},{C,F,I}, |
{D,H,C},{A,E,I},{B,F,G}, |
{B,D,I},{C,E,G},{A,F,H}. |
By theorem 3, there exist a,b,c∈L such that a∩b=b∩c=c∩a=∅. Since L has twelve elements, there must exist an a elemetn of L distinct from a,b,c. Pick such an element and call it d. By another application of theorem 3, there must exist e,f∈L such that d∩e=e∩f=f∩d=∅.
By theorem 4, a must have exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f; let A the element it has in common with d, B be the element it has in common with e and C be the element it has in common with f. Likewise, b must have exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f, as must c. Let D be the element b has in common with d, E be the element b has in common with e, F be the element b has in common with f, G be the element c has in common with d, H be the element c has in common with e and I be the element c has in common with f.
Summarizing what we just said another way, we have assigned labels A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I to the elements of P in such a way that
a={A,B,C},b={D,E,F},c={G,H,I}, |
d={A,D,G},e={B,E,H},f={C,F,I}. |
That is half of what we set out to do; we must still label the remaining six elements of L.
By theorem 4, if ℓ∈L∖{a,b,c,d,e,f}, then ℓ must have exactly one element in common with each of a,b,c and exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f.
Suppose that A∈ℓ. It could not be the case that D∈ℓ because then ℓ would have two elements in common with d. Since ℓ must have one element in common with b, that means that either E∈ℓ or F∈ℓ. If A,E∈ℓ, then the element ℓ has in common with c cannot be G because ℓ would have both A and G in common with c and it cannot be H because ℓ and e would have both E and H in common, hence the only possibility is to have I∈ℓ, i.e. ℓ={A,E,I}. Likewise, if A,F∈ℓ, it follows that H∈ℓ.
Summarrizing the last few sentences, if A∈ℓ, then
either ℓ={A,E,I} or ℓ={A,F,H}. By a similar
line of reasoning, if B∈ℓ, then either ℓ={B,D,I} or ℓ={B,F,G} and, if B∈ℓ, then
either ℓ={C,D,H} or ℓ={C,E,G}. Since ℓ
must contain one of A,B,C, it follows that there are omnly
the following six possibilities for ℓ:
{D,H,C},{A,E,I},{B,F,G}, |
{B,D,I},{C,E,G},{A,F,H}. |
However, since L∖{a,b,c,d,e,f} has cardinality six, all these possibilities must be actual members of the set. ∎
Title | combinatorial uniqueness of Hesse Configuration |
Canonical name | CombinatorialUniquenessOfHesseConfiguration |
Date of creation | 2014-02-28 16:18:25 |
Last modified on | 2014-02-28 16:18:25 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 22 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 51E20 |
Classification | msc 51A45 |