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combinatorial uniqueness of Hesse Configuration

In this article, we will show that a collectionMathworldPlanetmath of objects which has the incidence structure of a Hesse configuration is unique up to relabeling.

Definition 1.

An abstract Hesse configuration is a pair of sets (P,L) which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. 1.

    P has nine elements

  2. 2.

    Every element of L is a subset of P with three elements.

  3. 3.

    For any two distinct elements x,y of P, there exists exactly one element of L which contains both x and y.

Theorem 1.

If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration, then L has 12 elements.


Let D be the set of all two-element subsets of P. Then D has (92)=36 elements. Each element of L is a subset of P with three elements, hence has (32)=3 subsets of cardinality 2. By the definition above, every element of D must be a subset of exactly one element of L. For this to be possible, L must have cardinality 36/3=12. ∎

Theorem 2.

If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration then, for every pP, there exist exactly four elements L such that p.


To every qP such that qp, there exists exactly one L such that p and q. Furthermore, for every L such that p, there will be exactly two elements of other than p. Hence, there exist (9-1)/2=4 elements L such that p. ∎

Theorem 3.

If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration and L, then there exist m,nL such that m=n=mn=.


By the foregoing result, given p, there are four elements of L to which p belongs. One of these, of course, is itself, and the other three are distinct from . Since has three elements, this means that there are at most 33+1=10 elements kL such that PL. Because L has 12 elements. there must exist m,nL such that m=n=.

It remains to show that mn=. Suppose to the contrary that there exists a p such that pm and pn. Since m=, it follows that p, hence there will exist three distinct elements of L containing p and an element of . Because m=n=, these three elements are distinct from m and n. That makes for a total of five distinct elements of L containing p, which contradicts the previous theoremMathworldPlanetmath, hence mn=. ∎

Theorem 4.

If m,n,k are elements of L such that mn=nk=km= and L{m,n,k}, then has exactly one element in common with each of m,n,k.


Since each element of L is a subset of P with three elements and m,n,k are pairwise disjoint but P only has nine elements, it follows that every element of P must belong to exactly one of m,n,k. In particular, this means that every element of must belong to one of m,n,k. Were two elements of to belong to the same element of {m,n,k} then, by the third defining property, that element would have to equal , contrary to its definition. Hence, each element of must belong to a distinct element of {m,n,k}. ∎

Theorem 5.

If (P,L) is an abstract Hesse configuration, then we can label the elements of P as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I in such a way that the elements of L are


By theorem 3, there exist a,b,cL such that ab=bc=ca=. Since L has twelve elements, there must exist an a elemetn of L distinct from a,b,c. Pick such an element and call it d. By another application of theorem 3, there must exist e,fL such that de=ef=fd=.

By theorem 4, a must have exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f; let A the element it has in common with d, B be the element it has in common with e and C be the element it has in common with f. Likewise, b must have exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f, as must c. Let D be the element b has in common with d, E be the element b has in common with e, F be the element b has in common with f, G be the element c has in common with d, H be the element c has in common with e and I be the element c has in common with f.

Summarizing what we just said another way, we have assigned labels A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I to the elements of P in such a way that


That is half of what we set out to do; we must still label the remaining six elements of L.

By theorem 4, if L{a,b,c,d,e,f}, then must have exactly one element in common with each of a,b,c and exactly one element in common with each of d,e,f.

Suppose that A. It could not be the case that D because then would have two elements in common with d. Since must have one element in common with b, that means that either E or F. If A,E, then the element has in common with c cannot be G because would have both A and G in common with c and it cannot be H because and e would have both E and H in common, hence the only possibility is to have I, i.e. ={A,E,I}. Likewise, if A,F, it follows that H.

Summarrizing the last few sentencesMathworldPlanetmath, if A, then either ={A,E,I} or ={A,F,H}. By a similarMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath line of reasoning, if B, then either ={B,D,I} or ={B,F,G} and, if B, then either ={C,D,H} or ={C,E,G}. Since must contain one of A,B,C, it follows that there are omnly the following six possibilities for :


However, since L{a,b,c,d,e,f} has cardinality six, all these possibilities must be actual members of the set. ∎

Title combinatorial uniqueness of Hesse Configuration
Canonical name CombinatorialUniquenessOfHesseConfiguration
Date of creation 2014-02-28 16:18:25
Last modified on 2014-02-28 16:18:25
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 22
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 51E20
Classification msc 51A45