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conjugacy in An

Recall that conjugacy classesMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath in the symmetric groupMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath Sn are determined solely by cycle type. In the alternating groupMathworldPlanetmath An, however, this is not always true. A single conjugacy class in Sn that is contained in An may split into two distinct classes when considered as a subset of An. For example, in S3, (123) and (132) are conjugate, since


but these two are not conjugate in A3 (note that (23)A3).

Note in particular that the fact that conjugacy in Sn is determined by cycle type means that if σAn then all of its conjugates in Sn also lie in An.

The following theorem fully characterizes the behavior of conjugacy classes in An:

Theorem 1.

A conjugacy class in Sn splits into two distinct conjugacy classes under the action of An if and only if its cycle type consists of distinct odd integers. Otherwise, it remains a single conjugacy class in An.

Thus, for example, in S7, the elements of the conjugacy class of (12345) are all conjugate in A7, while the elements of the conjugacy class of (123)(456) split into two distinct conjugacy classes in A7 since there are two cycles of length 3. Similarly, any conjugacy class containing an even-length cycle, such as (1234)(56), splits in A7.

We will prove the above theorem by proving the following statements:

  • A conjugacy class in Sn consisting solely of even permutationsMathworldPlanetmath (i.e. that is contained in An) either is a single conjugacy class or is the disjoint unionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of two equal-sized conjugacy classes when considered under the action of An.

  • If σAn, then the elements of the conjugacy class of σ in Sn (which is just all elements of the same cycle type as σ) are conjugate in An if and only if σ commutes with some odd permutation.

  • σSn does not commute with an odd permutation if and only if the cycle type of σ consists of distinct odd integers.

Throughout, we will denote by 𝒞S(σ) the conjugacy class of σ under the action of Sn.

To prove the first statement, note that conjugacy is a transitive action. By the theorem that orbits of a normal subgroupMathworldPlanetmath are equal in size when the full group acts transitively, we see that if σAn, then 𝒞S(σ) splits into |Sn:AnCSn(σ)| classes under the action of An (recall that CG(x), the centralizerMathworldPlanetmath of x, is simply the stabilizerMathworldPlanetmath of x under the conjugation action of G on itself). But since |Sn:An| is either 1 or 2, we see that the conjugacy class of σ either remains a single class in An or splits into two classes.

Note also that the elements of 𝒞S(σ) are all conjugate in An if and only if AnCSn(σ)=Sn, which happens if and only if CSn(σ), which in turn is the case if and only if some odd permutation is in the centralizer of σ, which means precisely that σ commutes with some odd permutation. This proves the second statement.

To prove the third statement, suppose first that σ does not commute with an odd permutation. Clearly σ commutes with any cycle in its own cycle decomposition, so if σ contains a cycle of even length, that is an odd permutation with which σ commutes. So σ must consist solely of [disjoint] cycles of odd length. If two of these cycles have the same length, say (a1a2a2k+1) and (b1b2b2k+1), then


so the productPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath of (a1a2a2k+1) and (b1b2b2k+1), and thus σ, commutes with the product of 2k+1 transpositionsMathworldPlanetmath, which is an odd permutation. Thus all the cycles in the cycle decomposition of σ must have different [odd] lengths.

To prove the converseMathworldPlanetmath, we show that if the cycles in the cycle decomposition all have distinct lengths, then σ commutes precisely with the group generated by its cycles. It follows then that if all the distinct lengths are odd, then σ commutes only with these permutationsMathworldPlanetmath, which are all even. Choose σ with distinct cycle lengths in its cycle decomposition, and suppose that σ commutes with some element τSn. ConjugationMathworldPlanetmath preserves cycle length, so since τ commutes with σ and σ has all its cycles of distinct lengths, each cycle in τ must commute with each cycle in σ individually.

Now, choose a nontrivial cycle τ1 of τ, and choose jτ such that σ moves j (we can do this, since σ can have at most one cycle of length 1 and the cycle length of τ is greater than 1). Let σ1 be the cycle of σ containing j. Then τ1 commutes with σ1 since τ commutes with σ, so τ1 is in the centralizer of σ1, and it is not disjoint from σ1. But the centralizer of a k-cycle ρ consists of products of powers of ρ and cycles disjoint from ρ. Thus τ1 is a power of σ1. So each cycle in τ is a power of a cycle in σ, and we are done.

Title conjugacy in An
Canonical name ConjugacyInAn
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:18:04
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:18:04
Owner rm50 (10146)
Last modified by rm50 (10146)
Numerical id 6
Author rm50 (10146)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 20M30