corollary of Cauchy integral theorem
Theorem. Let γ be a closed contour of ℂ not intersecting itself and γ1,…,γn likewise. Let all the contours γ1,…,γn be outside each other but insinde γ. If the closed, “holey” domain between γ and the γjs is contained in a domain U where f is holomorphic, then
∮γf(z)𝑑z=∮γ1f(z)𝑑z+…+∮γnf(z)𝑑z | (1) |
where all integrals are taken with the same direction of circulation. Especially, in the case n=1 one has
∮γf(z)𝑑z=∮γ1f(z)𝑑z. | (2) |
Note 1. The integrals in (1) and (2) need not necessarily vanish, since inside a γj there may be points not belonging to U.
Note 2. When n=0, i.e. the sum on the right hand side of (1) is empty (, it has the value 0; thus also the Cauchy integral theorem is a special case of (1).
Note 3. The theorem implies easily the residue theorem.
Proof. We prove the theorem only in the case n=1. Other cases may be handled analogously.
Draw two auxiliary ways connecting γ and γ1. The integral of f taken anticlockwise around the route consisting of the upper parts of the curves and the auxiliary ways is, by the fundamental theorem of complex analysis, equal zero. Similarly the integral of f taken anticlockwise around the route consisting of the lower parts of the curves and the auxiliary ways is equal zero. Thus also the sum of both equals zero. But in the sum, the portions taken along the auxiliary ways are run in opposite directions and so they cancel each other. Therefore in the sum only the portions, which are run along γ and γ1, remain; then
∮γf(z)𝑑z+∮γ1f(z)𝑑z= 0, |
∮γf(z)𝑑z=-∮γ1f(z)𝑑z. |
However, here γ is run anticlockwise and γ1 clockwise. Reversing the direction in the right hand side of this last equation, one obtains (2). Q.E.D.
Example. Calculate
∮Cdzz-z0 |
where the circle C of complex plane with centre z0 and radius R is run once anticlockwise.
Since |z-z0|=R we can take the parametric presentation
z-z0=Reiφ |
Then and
(3) |
By the equation (2) of the theorem, one can infer that the result (3) is true for any continuous contour going once around the point anticlockwise (cf. the lemma of entry).
Title | corollary of Cauchy integral theorem |
Canonical name | CorollaryOfCauchyIntegralTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:54:12 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:54:12 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 18 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 30E20 |
Synonym | generalisation of Cauchy integral theorem |
Related topic | VariantOfCauchyIntegralFormula |