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criteria for cyclic rings to be isomorphic


Two cyclic rings are isomorphicPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath if and only if they have the same order and the same behavior.


Let R be a cyclic ring with behavior k and r be a generatorPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath ( of the additive groupMathworldPlanetmath of R with r2=kr. Also, let S be a cyclic ring.

If R and S have the same order and the same behavior, then let s be a generator of the additive group of S with s2=ks. Define φ:RS by φ(cr)=cs for every c. This map is clearly well defined and surjectivePlanetmathPlanetmath. Since R and S have the same order, φ is injectivePlanetmathPlanetmath. Since, for every a,b, φ(ar)+φ(br)=as+bs=(a+b)s=φ((a+b)r)=φ(ar+br) and


it follows that φ is an isomorphismPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath.

Conversely, let ψ:RS be an isomorphism. Then R and S must have the same order. If R is infiniteMathworldPlanetmath, then S is infinite, and k is a nonnegative integer. If R is finite, then k divides ( |R|, which equals |S|. In either case, k is a candidate for the behavior of S. Since r is a generator of the additive group of R and ψ is an isomorphism, ψ(r) is a generator of the additive group of S. Since (ψ(r))2=ψ(r2)=ψ(kr)=kψ(r), it follows that S has behavior k. ∎

Title criteria for cyclic rings to be isomorphic
Canonical name CriteriaForCyclicRingsToBeIsomorphic
Date of creation 2013-03-22 16:02:39
Last modified on 2013-03-22 16:02:39
Owner Wkbj79 (1863)
Last modified by Wkbj79 (1863)
Numerical id 14
Author Wkbj79 (1863)
Entry type Theorem
Classification msc 13A99
Classification msc 16U99