decimal place

A decimal place of a number (a real number) r is the position of a digit in its decimal expansion relative to the decimal point. Let us write r as a decimal number:


where each of the Ai and Dj is a digit in the decimal system (one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). In this decimal expansion,

  • the i-th decimal place to the left of the decimal point is the position of Ai, and

  • the j-th decimal place to the right of the decimal place is the position of Dj.

The digits Ai and Dj are called the decimal place values. Ai is the decimal place value corresponding to the i-th decimal place to the left of the decimal point, while Dj is the decimal place value corresponding to the j-th decimal place to the right of the decimal point.

For decimal places closer to the decimal point, specific names are used. Below are some of the most commonly used names:

name position from direction from example
the decimal point the decimal point (position of 7)
ones 1st left 7.2
tens 2nd left 71(=71.0)
hundreds 3rd left 735(=735.0)
thousands 4th left 7126(=7126.0)
tenths 1st right 0.7
hundredths 2nd right 12.47
thousandths 3rd right 9.837
ten thousandths 4th right 6.0037

𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤.Insteadofsayingthen-thdecimalplacetotheleftorrightofthedecimalpoint,wesimplysaythen-thdecimalplacetomeanthen-thdecimalplacetotherightofthedecimalpoint,andsay(-n)-thdecimalplacetomeanthen-thdecimalplacetotheleftofthedecimalpoint.Forexample,in1632.9758,thedigit5islocatedonthethirddecimalplace,while6islocatedonthenegativethirddecimalplace.Titledecimal placeCanonical nameDecimalPlaceDate of creation2013-03-22 17:27:24Last modified on2013-03-22 17:27:24OwnerCWoo (3771)Last modified byCWoo (3771)Numerical id12AuthorCWoo (3771)Entry typeDefinitionClassificationmsc 00A05Related topicMetricSystemDefinesdecimal place valueDefineshundredsDefinesthousandsDefinestenthsDefineshundredthsDefinesthousandthsDefinesten thousandths