degree (map of spheres)
Given a non-negative integer n, let Sn denote the n-dimensional sphere. Suppose f:Sn→Sn is a continuous map. Applying the nth reduced homology functor ˜Hn(_), we obtain a homomorphism f*:˜Hn(Sn)→˜Hn(Sn). Since ˜Hn(Sn)≈ℤ, it follows that f* is a homomorphism ℤ→ℤ. Such a map must be multiplication
by an integer d. We define the degree of the map f, to be this d.
0.1 Basic Properties
If f,g:Sn→Sn are continuous, then deg(f∘g)=deg(f)⋅deg(g).
If f,g:Sn→Sn are homotopic, then deg(f)=deg(g).
The degree of the identity map
is +1.
The degree of the constant map is 0.
The degree of a reflection
through an (n+1)-dimensional hyperplane
through the origin is -1.
The antipodal map, sending x to -x, has degree (-1)n+1. This follows since the map fi sending (x1,…,xi,…,xn+1)↦(x1,…,-xi,…,xn+1) has degree -1 by (4), and the compositon f1∘⋯∘fn+1 yields the antipodal map.
0.2 Examples
If we identify S1⊂ℂ, then the map f:S1→S1 defined by f(z)=zk has degree k. It is also possible, for any positive integer n, and any integer k, to construct a map f:Sn→Sn of degree k.
Using degree, one can prove several theorems, including the so-called ’hairy ball theorem’, which that there exists a continuous non-zero vector field on Sn if and only if n is odd.
Title | degree (map of spheres) |
Canonical name | DegreemapOfSpheres |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:22:12 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:22:12 |
Owner | drini (3) |
Last modified by | drini (3) |
Numerical id | 12 |
Author | drini (3) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 55M25 |
Defines | degree |