derivatives of solution of first order ODE
Suppose that f is a continuously differentiable function defined on an open subset E of ℝ2, i.e. it has on E the continuous partial derivatives
f′x(x,y) and f′y(x,y).
If y(x) is a solution of the ordinary differential equation
dydx=f(x,y), | (1) |
then we have
y′(x)=f(x,y(x)), | (2) |
y′′ | (3) |
(see the chain rule). Thus there exists on the second derivative which is also continuous. More generally, we can infer the
Theorem. If has in the continuous partial derivatives up to the order , then any solution of the differential equation (1) has on the continuous derivatives up to the order ( .
Note 1. The derivatives are got from the equation (1) via succesive differentiations. Two first ones are (2) and (3), and the next two ones, with a simpler notation:
Note 2. It follows from (3) that the curve
(4) |
is the locus of the inflexion points of the integral curves of (1), or more exactly, the locus of the points where the integral curves have with their tangents a contact of order ( more than one. The curve (4) is also the locus of the points of tangency of the integral curves and their isoclines.
- 1 E. Lindelöf: Differentiali- ja integralilasku III 1. Mercatorin Kirjapaino Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki (1935).
Title | derivatives of solution of first order ODE |
Canonical name | DerivativesOfSolutionOfFirstOrderODE |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 18:59:14 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 18:59:14 |
Owner | pahio (2872) |
Last modified by | pahio (2872) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | pahio (2872) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 34A12 |
Classification | msc 34-00 |
Related topic | SolutionsOfOrdinaryDifferentialEquation |
Related topic | InflexionPoint |