determinant of anti-diagonal matrix
Let A=adiag(a1,…,an) be an anti-diagonal matrix. Using the sum over all permutations formula for the determinant
of a matrix and since all but possibly the anti-diagonal elements are null we get directly at the result
detA=sgn(n,n-1,…,1)n∏i=1ai |
so all that remains is to calculate the sign of the permutation. This can be done directly.
To bring the last element to the beginning n-1 permutations are needed so
sgn(n,n-1,…,1)=(-1)n-1sgn(1,n,n-1,⋯,2) |
Now bring the last element to the second position. To do this n-2 permutations are needed. Repeat this procedure n-1 times to get the permutation (1,…,n) which has positive sign.
Summing every permutation, it takes
n-1∑k=1k=n(n-1)2 |
permutations to get to the desired permutation.
So we get the final result that
detadiag(a1,…,an)=(-1)n(n-1)2n∏i=1ai |
Notice that the sign is positive if either n or n-1 is a multiple of 4 and negative otherwise.
Title | determinant of anti-diagonal matrix |
Canonical name | DeterminantOfAntidiagonalMatrix |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 15:50:25 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 15:50:25 |
Owner | cvalente (11260) |
Last modified by | cvalente (11260) |
Numerical id | 6 |
Author | cvalente (11260) |
Entry type | Result |
Classification | msc 15-00 |