Dirichlet’s approximation theorem
Theorem (Dirichlet, c. 1840): For any real number θ and any integer n≥1, there exist integers a and b such that 1≤a≤n and |aθ-b|≤1n+1.
Proof: We may assume n≥2.
For each integer a in the interval [1,n], write
ra=aθ-[aθ]∈[0,1), where [x] denotes
the greatest integer less than x. Since the n+2
numbers 0,ra,1 all lie in the same unit interval, some two
of them differ (in absolute value
) by at most 1n+1.
If 0 or 1 is in any such pair, then the other element of the
pair is one of the ra, and we are done.
If not, then 0≤rk-rl≤1n+1 for some distinct k
and l. If k>l we have rk-rl=rk-l, since each side is in
[0,1) and the difference
between them is an integer. Similarly,
if k<l, we have 1-(rk-rl)=rl-k. So, with a=k-l or
a=l-k respectively, we get
|ra-c|≤1n+1 |
where c is 0 or 1, and the result follows.
It is clear that we can add the condition gcd(a,b)=1 to the conclusion.
The same statement, but with the weaker conclusion
admits a slightly shorter proof, and is sometimes also referred to
as the Dirichlet approximation theorem. (It was that shorter proof
which made the “pigeonhole principle
” famous.) Also, the theorem
is sometimes restricted to irrational values of θ, with the
(nominally stronger) conclusion
Title | Dirichlet’s approximation theorem |
Canonical name | DirichletsApproximationTheorem |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 13:15:37 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 13:15:37 |
Owner | Koro (127) |
Last modified by | Koro (127) |
Numerical id | 7 |
Author | Koro (127) |
Entry type | Theorem |
Classification | msc 11J04 |
Synonym | Dirichlet approximation theorem |
Related topic | IrrationalityMeasure |