eventual property
Let X be a set and P a property on the elements of X. Let (xi)i∈D be a net (D a directed set) in X (that is, xi∈X). As each xi∈X, xi either has or does not have property P. We say that the net (xi) has property P above j∈D if xi has property P for all i≥j. Furthermore, we say that (xi) eventually has property P if it has property P above some j∈D.
Let A and B be non-empty sets. For x∈A, let P(x) be the property that x∈B. So P is nothing more than the property of elements being in the intersection
of A and B. A net (xi)i∈D eventually has P means that for some j∈D, the set {xi∣i∈A, i≥j}⊆B. If D=ℤ, then we have that A and B eventually coincide.
Now, suppose A is a topological space
, and B is an open neighborhood of a point x∈A. For y∈A, let PB(y) be the property that y∈B. Then a net (xi) has PB eventually for every neighborhood B of x is a characterization of convergence (to the point x, and x is the accumulation point
of (xi)).
If A is a poset and B={x}⊆A. For y∈A, let P(y) again be the property that y=x. Let (xi) be a net that eventually has property P. In other words, (xi) is eventually constant. In particular, if for every chain D, the net (xi)i∈D is eventually constant in A, then we have a characterization of the ascending chain condition
in A.
directed net. Let R be a preorder
and let (xi)i∈D be a net in R. Let x(D) be the image of the net: x(D)={xi∈R∣i∈D}. Given a fixed k∈D and some y∈x(D), let Pk(y) be the property (on x(D)) that xk≤y. Let
S={k∈D∣(xi) eventually has Pk}. If S=D, then we say that the net (xi) is directed, or that (xi) is a directed net. In other words, a directed net is a net (xi)i∈D such that for every i∈D, there is a k(i)∈D, such that xi≤xj for all j≥k(i).
If (xi)i∈D is a directed net, then x(D) is a directed set: Pick xi,xj∈x(D), then there are k(i),k(j)∈D such that xi≤xm for all m≥k(i) and xj≤xn for all n≥k(j). Since D is directed, there is a t∈D such that t≥k(i) and t≥k(j). So xt≥xk(i)≥xi and xt≥xk(j)≥xj.
However, if (xi)i∈D is a net such that x(D) is directed, (xi) need not be a directed net. For example, let D={p,q,r} such that p≤q≤r, and R={a,b} such that a≤b. Define a net x:D→R by x(p)=x(r)=b and x(q)=a. Then x is not a directed net.
Remark. The eventual property is a property on the class of nets (on a given set X and a given property P). We can write Eventually(P,X) to denote its dependence on X and P.
Title | eventual property |
Canonical name | EventualProperty |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:34:45 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:34:45 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 16 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Definition |
Classification | msc 06A06 |
Synonym | residually constant |
Defines | eventually |
Defines | directed net |
Defines | eventually constant |