example of induced representation
To understand the definition of induced representation, let us work through a simple example in detail.
Let G be the group of permutations of three objects and let H be the subgroup
of even permutations
. We have
G={e,(ab),(ac),(bc),(abc),(acb)} |
H={e,(abc),(acb)} |
Let V be the one dimensional representation of H. Being one-dimensional, V is spanned by a single basis vector v. The action of H on V is given as
ev=v |
(abc)v=exp(2πi/3)v |
(acb)v=exp(4πi/3)v |
Since H has half as many elements as G, there are exactly two cosets, σ1 and σ2 in G/H where
σ1={e,(abc),(acb)} |
σ2={(ab),(ac),(bc)} |
Since there are two cosets, the vector space of the induced representation consists of the direct sum
of two formal translates
of V. A basis for this space is {σ1v,σ2v}.
We will now compute the action of G on this vector space. To do this, we need a choice of coset representatives. Let us choose g1=e as a representative of σ1 and g2=(ab) as a representative of σ2. As a preliminary step, we shall express the product of every element of G with a coset representative as the product of a coset representative and an element of H.
e⋅g1=e=g1⋅e |
e⋅g2=(ab)=g2⋅e |
(ab)⋅g1=(ab)=g2⋅e |
(ab)⋅g2=e=g1⋅e |
(bc)⋅g1=(bc)=g2⋅(acb) |
(bc)⋅g2=(abc)=g1⋅(abc) |
(ac)⋅g1=(ac)=g2⋅(abc) |
(ac)⋅g2=(acb)=g1⋅(acb) |
(abc)⋅g1=(abc)=g1⋅(abc) |
(abc)⋅g2=(bc)=g2⋅(acb) |
(acb)⋅g1=(acb)=g1⋅(acb) |
(acb)⋅g2=(ac)=g2⋅(abc) |
We will now compute of the action of G using the formula g(σv)=τ(hv) given in the definition.
e(σ1v)=[e⋅g1](ev)=σ1v |
e(σ2v)=[e⋅g2](ev)=σ2v |
(ab)(σ1v)=[(ab)⋅g1](ev)=σ2v |
(ab)(σ2v)=[(ab)⋅g2](ev)=σ1v |
(bc)(σ1v)=[(bc)⋅g1]((acb)v)=exp(4πi/3)σ2v |
(bc)(σ2v)=[(bc)⋅g2]((abc)v)=exp(2πi/3)σ1v |
(ac)(σ1v)=[(ac)⋅g1]((abc)v)=exp(2πi/3)σ2v |
(ac)(σ2v)=[(ac)⋅g2]((acb)v)=exp(4πi/3)σ1v |
(abc)(σ1v)=[(abc)⋅g1]((abc)v)=exp(2πi/3)(σ1v) |
(abc)(σ2v)=[(abc)⋅g2]((acb)v)=exp(4πi/3)(σ2v) |
(acb)(σ1v)=[(acb)⋅g1]((acb)v)=exp(4πi/3)(σ1v) |
(acb)(σ2v)=[(acb)⋅g2]((abc)v)=exp(2πi/3)(σ2v) |
Here the square brackets indicate the coset to which the group element inside the brackets belongs. For instance, [(ac)⋅g2]=[(ac)⋅(ab)]=[(acb)]=σ1 since (acb)∈σ1.
The results of the calculation may be easier understood when expressed in matrix form
e |
Having expressed the answer thus, it is not hard to verify that this is indeed a representation of . For instance, and
Title | example of induced representation |
Canonical name | ExampleOfInducedRepresentation |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 14:35:43 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 14:35:43 |
Owner | rspuzio (6075) |
Last modified by | rspuzio (6075) |
Numerical id | 8 |
Author | rspuzio (6075) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 20C99 |