example of tree (set theoretic)
The set ℤ+ is a tree with <T=<. This isn’t a very interesting tree, since it simply consists of a line of nodes. However note that the height is ω even though no particular node has that height.
A more interesting tree using ℤ+ defines m<Tn if ia=m and ib=n for some i,a,b∈ℤ+∪{0}. Then 1 is the root, and all numbers which are not powers of another number are in T1. Then all squares (which are not also fourth powers) for T2, and so on.
To illustrate the concept of a cofinal branch, observe that for any limit ordinal κ we can construct a κ-tree which has no cofinal branches. We let T={(α,β)|α<β<κ} and (α1,β1)<T(α2,β2)↔α1<α2∧β1=β2. The tree then has κ disjoint branches, each consisting of the set {(α,β)|α<β} for some β<κ. No branch is cofinal, since each branch is capped at β elements, but for any γ<κ, there is a branch of height γ+1. Hence the supremum of the heights is κ.
Title | example of tree (set theoretic) |
Canonical name | ExampleOfTreesetTheoretic |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 12:52:27 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 12:52:27 |
Owner | uzeromay (4983) |
Last modified by | uzeromay (4983) |
Numerical id | 5 |
Author | uzeromay (4983) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 05C05 |
Classification | msc 03E05 |
Related topic | CofinalBranch |