examples of countable sets
This entry lists some common examples of countable sets.
Derived Examples
any finite set
, including the empty set
∅ (proof (http://planetmath.org/AlternativeDefinitionsOfCountable)).
any subset of a countable set (proof (http://planetmath.org/SubsetsOfCountableSets)).
any finite product of countable sets (proof (http://planetmath.org/UnionOfCountableSets)).
any countable
union of countable sets (proof (http://planetmath.org/ProductOfCountableSets)).
the set of all finite subsets of a countable set.
Let A be a countable set, and F(A) the set of all finite subsets of A. Let An be the set of all subsets of A of cardinality at most n. Then A1 is countable, since A is. Suppose now that An is countable. The function f:An×A1→An+1 where f(X,Y)=X∪Y is easily seen to be onto. Since An×A1 is countable, so is An+1. Now, F(A) is just the union of all the countable sets Ai, and this union is a countable union, we see that F(A) is countable too. ∎
the set of all cofinite subsets of a countable set. This is true, because there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set F(A) of finite sets and the set co-F(A) of cofinite sets: X↦A-X.
the set of all finite sequences
over a countable set.
Let A be a countable set, and AF the set of all finite sequences over A. An element of AF can be identified with an element of An, and vice versa (the bijection is clear). Therefore, AF can be identified with the union of Ai, for i=0,1,2,…. Since each Ai is countable (because A is), and we are taking a countable union, AF is countable as a result. ∎
fix countable sets A,B. The set X of all functions from finite subsets of B into A is countable.
For each finite subset C of B, the set of all functions from C to A is just AC, which has cardinality |A||C|, and thus is countable since A is. Since X is just the union of all AC, where C ranges over the finite subsets of B, and there are countably many of them (as B is countable), X is also countable. ∎
fix countable sets A,B and an element
a∈A. The set Y of all functions from B to A such that f(b)=a for all but a finite number of b∈B is countable.
For any f:B→A, call the support of f the set {b∈B∣f(b)≠a}, and denote it by supp(f). Then every f∈Y has finite support. The map G:Y→X (where X is defined in the last example) given by G(f)=f|supp(f) is an injection: if G(f)=G(h), then f(b)=h(b) for any b∈supp(f)=supp(h), and f(b)=a=h(b) otherwise, whence f=g. But since X is countable, so is Y. ∎
Concrete Examples
the sets ℕ (natural numbers
), ℤ (integers), and ℚ (rational numbers
the set of all algebraic numbers
Let 𝔸 be the set of all algebraic numbers over ℚ. For each polynomial
p (in one variable
X) over ℚ, let Rp be the set of roots of p over ℚ. By definition, 𝔸 is the union of all Rp, where p ranges over the set P of all polynomials over ℚ. For any p∈P of degree n, we may associate a vector vp∈ℚn+1 :
p=a0+a1X+⋯+anXn The association can be reversed. So the set of all polynomials of degree is equinumerous to , and therefore countable. As is just the countable union of all , is countable, which means is countable also. ∎
the set of all algebraic integers
, because every algebraic integer is an algebraic number.
the set of all words over an alphabet, because ever word can be thought of as a finite sequence over the alphabet, which is finite.
Title | examples of countable sets |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfCountableSets |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 19:02:59 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 19:02:59 |
Owner | CWoo (3771) |
Last modified by | CWoo (3771) |
Numerical id | 10 |
Author | CWoo (3771) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 03E10 |
Related topic | AlgebraicNumbersAreCountable |