examples of Gaussian primes
Even when we limit the real part to the range 1 to 100 and the imaginary part to i to 100i, we come up with more than a thousand Gaussian primes
. Limiting the real part to 1 to 25 and the imaginary part to i to 25i gives us a list approximately a quarter of the size.
It makes sense to limit the listing to the positive-positive quadrant of the complex plane, since if a+bi is prime then so is a-bi, -a+bi and -a-bi. The list could be narrowed down even further by removing associates (e.g., 13+8i because 8+13i appears first), but they have been left in. Thus, assuming the list has no mistakes, plotting these values should give the same result as plotting all Gaussian primes under (or over) the x+xi axis in the positive-positive quadrant and then reflecting them to the other side of that axis.
1+i, 1+2i, 1+4i, 1+6i, 1+10i, 1+14i, 1+16i, 1+20i, 1+24i
2+i, 2+3i, 2+5i, 2+7i, 2+13i, 2+15i, 2+17i
3+2i, 3+8i, 3+10i, 3+20i
4+i, 4+5i, 4+9i, 4+11i, 4+15i, 4+21i, 4+25i
5+2i, 5+4i, 5+6i, 5+8i, 5+16i, 5+18i, 5+22i, 5+24i
6+i, 6+5i, 6+11i, 6+19i, 6+25i
7+2i, 7+8i, 7+10i, 7+12i, 7+18i, 7+20i
8+3i, 8+5i, 8+7i, 8+13i, 8+17i, 8+23i
9+4i, 9+10i, 9+14i, 9+16i
10+i, 10+3i, 10+7i, 10+9i, 10+13i, 10+17i, 10+19i, 10+21i
11+4i, 11+6i, 11+14i, 11+20i, 12+7i, 12+13i, 12+17i, 12+23i, 12+25i
13+2i, 13+8i, 13+10i, 13+12i, 13+20i, 13+22i
14+i, 14+9i, 14+11i, 14+15i, 14+19i, 14+25i
15+2i, 15+4i, 15+14i, 15+22i
16+i, 16+5i, 16+9i, 16+19i, 16+25i
17+2i, 17+8i, 17+10i, 17+12i, 17+18i, 17+22i
18+5i, 18+7i, 18+17i, 18+23i
19+6i, 19+10i, 19+14i, 19+16i, 19+20i, 19+24i
20+i, 20+3i, 20+7i, 20+11i, 20+13i, 20+19i, 20+23i
21+4i, 21+10i
22+5i, 22+13i, 22+15i, 22+17i, 22+23i, 22+25i
23+8i, 23+12i, 23+18i, 23+20i, 23+22i
24+i, 24+5i, 24+19i, 24+25i
25+4i, 25+6i, 25+12i, 25+14i, 25+16i, 25+22i, 25+24i
As you may notice from the listing above, the real and the imaginary parts must be of different parity. Thus, 2, which is a prime among the real primes, is not a prime among the Gaussian primes, since its complex notation 2+0i shows that its real and imaginary parts are both even.
For a rational prime to be a Gaussian prime of the form p+0i, the real part has to be of the form p=4n-1. The ones in our sample range are 3, 7, 11, 19 and 23. As it happens, for 0+pi to be a Gaussian prime, p also has to be of the form 4n-1. The ones in our sample range are then 3i, 7i, 11i, 19i and 23i, which ought to look a lot like the previous listing because they are the associates of the Gaussian primes with no imaginary part. Thus, the 0 axes are ‘reflections’ of each other and give yet more axes of symmetry
of the pattern.
Title | examples of Gaussian primes |
Canonical name | ExamplesOfGaussianPrimes |
Date of creation | 2013-03-22 16:52:15 |
Last modified on | 2013-03-22 16:52:15 |
Owner | PrimeFan (13766) |
Last modified by | PrimeFan (13766) |
Numerical id | 9 |
Author | PrimeFan (13766) |
Entry type | Example |
Classification | msc 11R04 |